Appleshares hit their lowest point in almost a year on Monday after investors, already jittery about the iPhone maker's results next week, were spooked by reports of supply-chain cutbacks.
周一, iPhone制造商苹果(Apple)的股价跌至近一年最低位,原因在于投资者对于苹果削减供应链订单的消息感到恐慌。此前投资者已对下周将公布的苹果业绩报告感到不安。
Shares in Apple shaved the $500 mark in pre-market trading and were about 3 per cent lower at $504.73 by late morning in New York. Investors in the world's most valuable company watched its shares rise from below $500 in early February last year to top $700 in September, from which point it has steadily declined.
Analysts' consensus forecasts predict that Apple's earnings will post a year-over-year decline for the first time in a decade. The company warned in October that margins would be put under pressure by the simultaneous launch of many products, including the iPhone 5, iPad mini and iMac.
根据分析师们的共识预测,苹果的盈利将出现10年来首次同比下滑。该公司去年10月警告称,由于iPhone 5、iPad mini和iMac等许多产品同步上市,其利润率将会承受压力。
The trigger for the latest sell-off came with reports from Japan's Nikkei newspaper and the Wall Street Journal that Apple had halved orders for iPhone 5 screens from suppliers for the period between January and March, to about 33m displays.
引发最新一轮抛售的导火线是,《日本经济新闻》(Nikkei newspaper)和《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)报道称,苹果已把1月至3月期间向供应商订购的iPhone 5屏幕数量砍掉了一半,降低至约3300万个。
Apple declined to comment on the reports.
Wall Street analysts including UBS, Jefferies and Citigroup had already reduced their estimates a month ago, citing lower component orders from Apple. The WSJ said that Apple had notified suppliers of the cuts in December.
Nonetheless, the sharp reaction from investors to the latest highlights nervousness ahead of Apple's results next week for the three months to December.
“Many investors now feel the bloom is off the rose and that they have to trade Apple as if it’s a normal company now,” said JJ Kinahan, chief derivatives strategist at TD Ameritrade.
TD Ameritrade的首席衍生品策略师JJ Kinahan表示:“如今许多投资者感觉到,苹果已丧失新鲜感,他们现在只能像对待普通公司那样买卖苹果股票了。”