We all know that feeling - a large lunch leaves us sprawled out on the sofa.
Similarly, this juvenile red-tailed hawk was rendered immobile after scoffing down another bird.
Photographer Steve Shinn managed to snap the stricken bird of prey on its back after a meal of a coot near a nature preserve in Long Beach, California.
'I shot this just after a big holiday meal and think I could feel this bird's pain,' he explained.
'I found this bird in a very unhawklike position looking very distressed. It had attacked a Coot near the stream and chewed away on it for about a half hour before it waddled about 50 feet and fell flat on his keister.
“我发现它以非常古怪的姿势倒在地上,看起来非常痛苦。它在小溪边猎杀一只白骨顶鸡,花了差不多半小时 将猎物整个咀嚼下去,然后它摇摇摆摆地走了大约50英尺,就仰面平躺在了草地上。”
'It seemed to be breathing well so I called some folks who work for South Bay Wildlife Recovery, a wonderful organisation that mainly works with raptors and other animals.
'They had one their members on the way in minutes so I opted not to disturb the bird by getting it upright as being on its back is not a good position as it can interfere with breathing.
'The stuffed critter was collected and taken in for some rest and recovery.
'A day later it was sitting on a perch and seemed none the worse for the gluttonous rampage. They plan to return it to the same area as soon as recovery is complete.'