MOBILE game designer surnamed Su had spent more than five hours by 11:30pm last night waiting in the queue in front of a China Telecom outlet in Shanghai, waiting for the debut of iPhone 5 at midnight.
一位姓苏的移动游戏设计师到昨晚11点半已经在上海的中国电信门口排队超过5个小时等待iPhone 5在午夜时分的发布 。
Su was at the head of the queue which had more than 200 Apple fans, who were waiting in the rainy winter night for the latest iPhone 5.
苏在有超过200名苹果粉丝们的队伍前面,他们一直在下雨的冬季夜晚等待最新的iPhone 5 。
It was the first time that new iPhone sales started at midnight in a dozen outlets of China Telecom and China Unicom, Apple's carrier partners on the Chinese mainland.
这是第一次新iPhone开始在午夜十几家中国电信和中国联通的门店销售,苹果在中国大陆的运营商合作伙伴 。
"I like the new iPhone 5, with super mobility and enhanced chip providing fast response," Su said.
“我喜欢新的iPhone 5,具有超强的机动性且加强的芯片能提供快速响应,”苏说 。
He came to the outlet around 6pm and planned to buy a black 32GB iPhone 5 for himself and a 16GB model for his girlfriend.
他大概下午6点就来到这门口,计划给自己购买一个黑色的32 GB的iPhone 5,给女朋友买一个16 GB的裸机 。
The iPhone 5 features a 4-inch Retina display with 18 percent more pixels, a quicker new A6 chip and a camera supporting a new panorama function.
iPhone 5有一个4英寸的Retina显示屏使像素高了18%,更快的A6芯片以及相机支持新的全景功能 。
The smartphone sells from 5,288 yuan (US$840) for a 16GB model, 6,088 yuan for 32GB and 6,888 yuan for 64GB without contracts. China Telecom sells the phone with a monthly package starting from 49 yuan while China Unicom is offering it with a monthly rate starting from 66 yuan.
这款智能手机销售从5288元人民币(合840美元)的16 GB裸机,6088元的32 GB版以及6888元的64 GB版 。中国电信销售这部手机带有每月49元起的套餐,而中国联通提供的是月供66元起 。
China Unicom also started sales in several outlets, including the flagship store in Lujiazui in the Pudong New Area. At least 300,000 people have booked the new iPhone 5 through the telco's website and hotline.
中国联通也开始在一些门店销售,包括在浦东陆家嘴的旗舰店 。至少30万人已经通过电信的网站和热线预订了新iPhone 5 。
Apple will officially start sales of iPhone 5 at 7am today, according to the company.
苹果今天早上7点将正式开始销售iPhone 5,根据该公司 。
Customers can't buy an iPhone 5 without reservation due to Apple's new online reservation system.
如果没有在苹果新的在线预订系统上预定,顾客将不能购买iPhone 5 。
China is now the company's second-biggest regional market behind the US.
中国现在是该公司仅次于美国的第二大区域市场 。
Even if Apple has many fans, the market share of iPhone is limited in China, the world's biggest mobile phone market.
即使苹果有很多粉丝,但在中国这个世界上最大的移动电话市场上iPhone的市场份额是有限的 。
At the end of the third quarter, Apple's share was only 7 percent, ranking No. 6 in the domestic market behind Samsung and Lenovo, according to IDC, a US-based IT research firm.
在第三季度末,苹果的份额仅为7%,在国内市场排名第6,在三星和联想之后,根据IDC的数据,一家美国信息技术研究公司 。