In the past 12 months, we watched as Ryan Lochte took the London Summer Olympics by storm, epic Hollywood couple Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise called it quits, and President Barack Obama was elected for a second term. But what about next year? Will 2013 pack the same pop culture punch as 2012?
在过去的12个月,我们见证了瑞安•洛赫特席卷伦敦夏季奥运会的风暴,好莱坞风云夫妻凯蒂•赫尔姆斯和汤姆•克鲁斯宣布分手,巴拉克•奥巴马当选总统连任 。但明年会怎样呢?2013年会拾起2012年那样的流行文化吗?
According to Psychic Medium Barb Powell, it will — that is, if we don't all go down on Doomsday (Dec. 21). She predicts what's going to happen in the coming year, and boy, is it a doozy.
根据灵媒Barb Powell,它将——也就是说,如果我们没有在末日(12月21日) 灭亡 。她预测接下来一年将会发生什么,天哪,这不是很好吗?
1. Kate Middleton won't name her baby Diana.
"I know it's going to be a girl," Powell says. "People think that they are going to name the baby Diana after [Prince William's] late mom. I just don’t see that. I think they're going to include [Princess Diana] in some way, but I don't see [the baby] being named Diana."
1、凯特米德尔顿不会给婴儿取名戴安娜 。
“我知道这将是一个女孩,”鲍威尔说 。“人们认为他们将给孩子取名戴安娜,以(威廉王子)去世的母亲来命名 。我只是不同意那点 。我认为他们将会在某种程度上寓意[戴安娜王妃),但我不认为[婴儿]会被取名为戴安娜 。”
2. Who will win big at the Oscars?
"Best Picture, I'm leaning towards Argo," Powell says. "Best Actor would be Daniel Day Lewis. Best Actress [will be] Jessica Chastain."
“最佳影片,我倾向于《逃离德黑兰》,”鲍威尔说 。“最佳男演员将会是丹尼尔•戴•刘易斯 。最佳女演员(将会是)杰西卡•柴斯坦 。”
3. Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson will break up for good.
"I know there's talk about marriage — I just don't see it," Powell says. "By the middle towards the end of 2013, that would be it between them. It would be done forever."
3、克里斯汀•斯图尔特和罗伯特•帕丁森将分手为好 。
“我知道存在关于结婚的言论——我只是不这么认为,”鲍威尔说 。“到2013年年末的中间段,他们之间将有问题 。这段感情将永远结束 。”
4. Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes will still be going strong.
"They will get engaged in 2013," Powell says. "I like their energy together. They're not hugely out there with their personal lives. And also, expect pregnancy with those two in 2013. [But] I don't see them completely walking down the aisle in 2013."
“他们将在2013年订婚,”鲍威尔说 。“我喜欢他们在一起的能量 。他们不经常暴露自己的私生活 。而且,预计在2013年这两人会有怀孕消息 。(但是)我认为在2013年他们完全不会走红毯 。”
5. Chris Brown and Rihanna will continue to make us want to vomit.
"I certainly see some back-and-forth with them," Powell says. "But it's almost going to be a quick engagement. I wouldn't be surprised about a marriage, but it's not going to last. [Also, I see] a pregnancy. All in 2013."
5、克里斯•布朗和蕾哈娜将继续使我们想呕吐 。
“我当然看到他们的分分合合,”鲍威尔说 。“但几乎将有一场快速订婚 。对于结婚我不会惊讶,但它不会持久 。[我也看到]一场怀孕 。所有的事将在2013年 。”
6. Lindsay Lohan will do time.
"She will completely, almost disappear out of public eye towards the middle-end of 2013," Powell says. "She's going to be made an example of. She's going to get locked up for a while."
6、林赛•罗韩将与时间作战 。
“到2013年半年末她会几乎完全从公众视线中消失,”鲍威尔说 。“她将成为一个案例 。她会被冷藏一段时间 。”
7. Britney Spears will finally be back on track, and back on top.
"Britney Spears is on a huge comeback," Powell says. "She's going to be making a lot more music. I don't see any breakdowns for her. She's going to come back with a flourish and take control of her life."
7、小甜甜”布兰妮将最终回到正轨,回到最高点 。
“小甜甜布兰妮在强势复出,”鲍威尔说 。“她将制作更多的音乐 。我没有看到她的任何崩溃 。她会舞动着回来并控制她的生活 。”
8. Martha Stewart will face a crisis.
"Shes going to have huge money problems," Powell says. "She's going to try to disappear. But certainly in the next few years, I see her kind of turning everything around. I certainly think she can rebuild what she [will lose next year]."
8、玛莎•斯图尔特将面临危机 。
“她将有巨大的资金问题,”鲍威尔说 。“她将去尝试消失 。但当然在接下来的几年里,我看到她会扭转一切形势 。我当然认为她可以重建她[明年将失去]的东西 。”
9. And what of singing competition shows?
The Voice is going to survive another round," Powell says. "American Idol is certainly on its way out. It might be its last go. The X Factor is going to be coming back."
《美国好声音》将艰难度过另一轮,”鲍威尔说 。“《美国偶像》当然在寻找它的出路 。这可能是其最后的机会 。《英国达人》也将重返舞台 。”
10. Will Taylor Swift ever find true love?
"I don't think she's going to find the love of her life," Powell says. "She'll be tied to at least three people in 2013. She gets around. She can be a bit needy. It's going to be a long while before she ties the knot and settles down with anybody. [And] we can expect more songs from her."
“我不认为她将找到她生命中的至爱,”鲍威尔说 。“在2013年她至少会和三个人有牵扯 。她在到处寻觅 。她可能会有点寂寞 。她与某个人喜结连理并安顿下来将会是很久以后 。[并且]我们可以期待她更多的歌曲 。”