1. An endless list of things she shouldn't be eating or drinking
It is an axiom of printed media –why couldn't Leveson have tackled this? – that famous or notable people are keener to have healthy children than anybody else. How much Kate Middleton likes salad, I would never speculate.
这是印刷媒体的一个自明之理——为什么莱韦森还没有处理这件事?——名贵们比其他任何人都热衷于拥有健康的孩子 。凯特米德尔顿多么喜欢沙拉,我永远不会这样揣测 。
2. Anything at all about their sex life
3. Speculation about whether it's a boy or a girl
I had a friend who, when asked if it was a boy or a girl, used to say "I hope so", and then make a sarcastic face.
我有一个朋友当被问及那是个男孩还是女孩时,常说“我希望如此”,然后做出一个讽刺的鬼脸 。
4. Suggestions for baby names
The royal family actually invented a crude version of the internet, some centuries ago: the Posh Name Generator. It gave you a list of four names, Elizabeth, Henry, James or Mary, and you chose on the basis of the gender of the child and the names of your existing children. It would have taken off faster if they'd had a larger database and disseminated the technique, but the problem with this family is that they don't share.
皇室家族实际上在几个世纪前就发明了互联网上的原始版本:上层贵族名字生成器 。它给你一张上面有四个名字的列表,伊丽莎白、亨利、詹姆斯或玛丽,你根据孩子的性别和你现有孩子的名字来选择 。如果他们有一个更大的数据库并传播这种技巧它会扩展得更快,但问题是这个家庭他们不分享 。
5. How soon Pippa Middleton will want to get pregnant
6. Anything that mistakes hyperemesis gravidarum for "bad morning sickness"
It is like mistaking pneumonia for "a bad cold".
这就像把肺炎误以为“感冒” 。
7. How hyperemesis gravidarum is actually quite good for keeping the weight off, if you manage it correctly
8. An imaginative reconstruction of how Diana would take the news, were she still alive
She would greet the news just like anybody else who's ever been given this news. The spectrum of response-to-a-first-pregnancy-by-a-happily-married-couple is really very short, ranging from "that's nice" to "that's lovely".
她会庆祝这个消息就像被告知这个消息的任何其他人那样 。对这对幸福结合的夫妻第一次怀孕的反应期真的很短,从“那不错”到“那好可爱” 。
9. Fashion-related comments wondering "whither the modest frock dress?" one day, and "why can't you be sexy-pregnant, like that nice Megan Fox?" the next
If fashion can't agree –– then it should discuss something else.
如果时尚界不同意-----那么它就应该谈点别的 。
10. Any article headlined "Dilatey-Katey"