Taking a break from her "Gossip Girl" duties, Leighton Meester pitched in on promotions by covering the November 2012 issue of Flaunt magazine.
告别了《八卦天后》(Gossip Girl),莉顿·梅斯特(Leighton Meester)的宣传活动依旧不断。近日她登上了《Flaunt》杂志十一月号。
Surrounded by naked men, the 26-year-old actress showed off her sexy side for the Yu Tsai shot spread while chatting about differences between her and Blair Waldorf to the meaning of life.
在众裸男的环绕下,26岁的梅斯特展露性感一面。她还在采访中畅谈了自己与布莱尔·霍道夫(Blair Waldorf)的差别,以及自己对人生的认识。
On taking on the role of a mother:
"I definitely want kids. It's really important to me. I think it's going to be the one thing I do. That's your life, that's the meaning of life. Besides art, which I think is definitely part of that. And that all goes in with love and making children - making art. It's creating. I think that's the meaning of life."
On her "Country Strong" co-star turning her on to music:
《乡谣情缘》(Country Strong)合作演员对她音乐事业的影响:
"Tim [McGraw] gave everyone a guitar, so I kind of taught myself and then wrote all my songs on the set of "The Oranges." And the songs are not poetic - They are just me. It's not more confident or colorful. It's just me. It just comes out of me."
“蒂姆·麦格罗(Tim McGraw)送给每个人一把吉他,于是我自学了弹吉他并在《桔子》(The Oranges)片场写了很多歌。这些歌不是抒情写意的,表达的只是真实的我。它们也许并非丰富多彩,但都是源自我的内心。”
On how different her real-life is compared to her "Gossip Girl" character:
"I didn't even know people like Blair existed until I started the show. I often work 60 days straight with no days off. No mornings off. Every minute I'm working, unless I'm on an airplane. I just want to be comfortable every second I'm not in hair and makeup."