'Skyfall,' the newest James Bond movie, out-smarted competition at the box office this weekend, landing in first place with the biggest opening of any film in the franchise's history.
邦德(James Bond)系列最新影片《007:大破天幕杀机》(Skyfall)在上周末的票房榜上力压群雄,夺得冠军。其上映首周末的票房收入是该系列影片中有史以来最高的。
'Skyfall' earned $87.8 million in North America during its domestic opening weekend on 3,505 screens, bringing its cumulative world-wide grosses to $518.6 million. The film, from Sony Corp.'s Sony, MGM and EON Productions, stars Daniel Craig as James Bond, as well as Javier Bardem and Judi Dench.
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures/Columbia Pictures/EON邦德(James Bond)系列最新影片《007:大破天幕杀机》(Skyfall)在上周末的票房榜上力压群雄,夺得冠军。在北美上映的首周末,《大破天幕杀机》便从放映此片的3,505块银幕揽获了8,780万美元的票房,其全球累计票房因此达到5.186亿美元。由索尼公司(Sony Corp.)旗下索尼影业、米高梅和EON Productions联合制作的这部影片由丹尼尔•克雷格(Daniel Craig)饰演邦德,此外哈维尔•巴登(Javier Bardem)和朱迪•丹奇(Judi Dench)也在片中出演。
The previous Bond film, 2008's 'Quantum of Solace,' earned $67.5 million in its opening weekend.
上一部邦德影片、2008年上映的《大破量子危机》(Quantum of Solace)在上映首周末获得了6,750万美元的票房。
'Skyfall' wasn't the only success of the weekend, as several films posted healthy numbers in their second or third weeks in theaters.
In second place was animated film 'Wreck-It Ralph,' from Walt Disney Co., which took in $33.1 million in its second weekend in theaters, bringing its cumulative domestic total to $93.7 million. And 'Flight,' starring Denzel Washington, earned $15.1 million in its second weekend, bringing its cumulative domestic grosses to $47.7 million. 'Flight' was distributed by Viacom Inc.'s Paramount Pictures.
排在第二位的是华特-迪士尼(Walt Disney Co.)发行的动画影片《无敌破坏王》(Wreck-It Ralph)。在上映的第二个周末该片获得了3,310万美元的票房。其美国国内累计票房收入因此达到9,370万美元。丹泽尔•华盛顿(Denzel Washington)主演的影片《航班》(Flight)在上映的第二个周末获得了1,510万美元的票房,其美国国内累计票房收入因此达到4,770万美元。《航班》一片由维亚康姆(Viacom Inc.)旗下派拉蒙影业(Paramount Pictures)发行。
'Argo' and 'Taken 2″ also continued strong runs after more than a month each in theaters. 'Argo,' from Time Warner Inc.'s Warner Bros. Pictures, earned $6.7 million, boosting its cumulative domestic grosses to $85.7 million. And 'Taken 2,' from News Corp.'s Twentieth Century Fox, brought in $4 million. The film's cumulative domestic grosses now stand at $131.3 million.
在上映一个多月后,《逃离德黑兰》(Argo)和《飓风营救2》(Taken 2)依然还有不错的票房收入。时代华纳(Time Warner Inc.)旗下华纳兄弟影业(Warner Bros. Pictures)发行的影片《逃离德黑兰》在上周末获得了670万美元的收入,其美国国内累计票房因此达到8,570万美元。新闻集团(News Corp.)旗下二十世纪福克斯公司(Twentieth Century Fox)发行的《飓风营救2》获得了400万美元的票房,该片美国国内累计票房因此达到1.313亿美元。