These days, nearly every movie that hits the multiplex is a modernized version of some previously existing feature film. (Hollywood may not call it a straight up remake, but that's not really their style.) But is the trend to rehash old films all that new? A closer look at history reveals... not really.
这些天,几乎每一部轰动影院的电影都是一些先前已有的故事片的现代化版本 。(好莱坞可能不会称之为重拍,但这不是他们的风格 。)但是这一趋势势必将所有的老电影都翻新?仔细看看历史所揭示的…不一定的 。
Since the drawn of cinema, producers have been going back to old ideas for inspiration, twisting the plots of movies into brand new ones. With major brands being repurposed time and time again (a move that's kept the horror genre alive for the past decade) and the window of time necessary to let the original stew dwindling (we're looking at you Spider-Man!), the remakes that flood theaters are obvious callbacks. The "remake" aspect is can even be part of the appeal — "See BLANK, now new and improved with 21st century technology!"
自从电影院产生,制片人一直在回到旧片寻找灵感,改编情节使其成为全新的电影 。随着主要名片一次又一次地翻拍(在过去十年里此举一直使得恐怖题材鲜活如初)和所需的时间空隙让原版的担忧减少(我们在期盼着你,蜘蛛侠!),那些涌入影院的翻拍是明显的召唤 。“翻拍”部分甚至可以成为部分的吸引力——“看看空白,现在21世纪的技术都是全新和改进的!”
That said, there are plenty of remakes that don't wear their source material on their sleeves. The reasons are a plenty: maybe their roots are half a century old, from overseas, or weren't terribly good to begin with. Knowing that it's time to embrace the "remake" in a positive light, Hollywood.com took a look back at some of the lesser known redos in a gallery we like to call...
那就是说,很多翻拍作品都不会全部遵循原来的剧本 。原因很多:也许他们根植于半个世纪之前的历史,来自海外,或不太好的开始 。知道现在是时候以积极之态拥抱“翻拍之作”了,好莱坞网站在一个我们喜欢回忆的图库中回顾了一些不太知名的重拍作品……