Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. When Huawei, the Chinese network equipment vendor, decided to take the initiative in addressing its image problems in the US, it chose this saying by former US president Abraham Lincoln to make a point.
品格如树,名誉如影。当中国网络设备制造商华为决定采取主动,解决其在美国的形象问题时,它选用了美国前总统亚伯拉罕?林肯(Abraham Lincoln)的这句话来阐明观点。
“In recent years, misperceptions and rumours have been the shadow of Huawei, affecting Huawei’s reputation and, we believe, the United States government’s judgment of Huawei,” wrote Ken Hu, the company’s then vice-chairman in February 2011 in an open letter lamenting his company’s virtual exclusion from the US market for suspicions that it might be a national security threat.
2011年2月,时任华为副董事长的胡厚昆(Ken Hu)在一封公开信中表示:“近年来,误解和谣言如影随形地追随华为。我们认为,这影响了华为的声誉以及美国政府对华为的评判。”他在信中抱怨,由于美国怀疑华为可能威胁国家安全,华为几乎被挡在美国市场门外。
Mr Hu then invited the US government to carry out “a formal investigation of any doubts it may have about Huawei in an effort to reach a clear and accurate conclusion”.
On Monday that conclusion was reached. But it is certainly not what Huawei management, and Mr Hu – now acting chief executive – may have hoped for. Wrapping up a year-long investigation into the company and its smaller rival ZTE which began on Mr Hu’s urging, the US House Committee on Intelligence found that the risks associated with Huawei’s and ZTE’s provision of equipment to US critical infrastructure “could undermine core US national-security interests”.
本周一,调查得出了结论。不过结论肯定不是华为的管理层以及现任代理首席执行官的胡厚昆所期待的。美国众议院情报委员会(US House Committee on Intelligence)结束了在胡厚昆敦促下启动的、对华为及其较小的竞争对手中兴(ZTE)为期一年的调查,发现华为和中兴向美国关键基础设施提供设备所带来的风险“可能损害美国的国家安全核心利益”。
One of the recommendations from the intelligence panel is that the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US (Cfius), which already examines mergers and acquisitions, be given the task of probing purchasing agreements – a situation under which Huawei and ZTE could be completely blocked from the US market. It also calls for a probe into Chinese government support for its telecom equipment makers.
For Huawei and ZTE, the implications are wide ranging and long term. There could be trade action, future acquisition plans are even less likely to succeed and even smaller contracts with regional operators, of which Huawei has been able to land a few, could become more difficult to achieve.
The overall message is simple: they are not welcome in the US market. “They seem to be saying: we view you as the enemy because you are from China,” said a US citizen who works at Huawei’s US headquarters in Plano, Texas. “Why isn’t there similar scrutiny of companies like [Sweden’s] Ericsson or [France’s] Alcatel-Lucent?”
Mr Hu’s outpouring raised eyebrows at the time but it was the result of frustration accumulated for almost a decade. While the company kept investing in the US, building a local research and development presence, sales force and security architecture, it kept being rebuffed.
In 2008, Huawei was forced to drop a joint bid with Bain Capital for 3Com, the US network equipment maker following objections from Cfius. In 2010, the company lost out to rivals in bidding for a major contract from Sprint after the commerce secretary called the US carrier’s management expressing concerns about the deal. And last year Huawei even had to abort a deal to buy patents from 3Leaf, a US technology company, after Cfius suggested it bow out.
2008年,由于美国外国投资委员会反对,华为被迫放弃与贝恩资本(Bain Capital)联手竞购美国网络设备制造商3Com。2010年,华为对Sprint一笔大额合同的竞标输给了竞争对手,原因是美国商务部长致电Sprint的管理层,表达了自己对华为的担忧。去年,在美国外国投资委员会表示反对之后,华为放弃了购买美国科技公司3Leaf专利的计划。
But Huawei’s moves over the past two years show that the company has been preparing for a day like this. At the same time Mr Hu campaigned for a fair hearing, management restructured the company to help it diversify away from the network infrastructure business into selling handsets and tablets to consumers and equipment and services for enterprises.
Huawei has been pouring millions into building a consumer brand, and has been pushing handset sales. ZTE is mirroring the move. “The handset market is not only larger but also faster growing,” said Shi Lirong, ZTE chief executive, in an effort to explain why the company was shifting focus from network equipment to cellphones.
Although Huawei executives deny the shift means the company is giving up on the US market, the changes are making it less vulnerable to being blocked out of the US because handsets and enterprise business are considered less sensitive than supplying network infrastructure.