Each week, Hollywood gives us something to whine about, and the week ending Oct. 6 was no different. We could make a drinking game out of this week, but that would be too dangerous. Instead, we'll stick to the usual formula: varying levels of alcoholic respite depending on how bothersome the week's issues are. How about a light cocktail to take the edge off? Got a real bone to pick with a celeb or entertainment entity this week? Go ahead, grab a drink that'll put hair on your chest. Here are the week's entertainment stories that are forcing us to seek a refuge.
每个星期,好莱坞都会留给我们一些东西来吐槽,10月6日结束的一周也是一样 。本周我们本可以进行一个饮酒游戏,但那将太危险了 。相反,我们坚持惯例:不同程度酒精的缓解作用取决于这周的问题是怎样心烦 。来一小杯鸡尾酒过渡一下怎么样?本周哪个名人或娱乐本身真的有骨头可挑吗?来吧,喝杯酒,那会使你更有男子汉气概 。以下是本周那些迫使我们寻找避难所的娱乐事件 。
1、Take the Edge Off With an Oktoberfest Lager
TV is full of douchebags.
Seriously. What does Mindy Kaling think she's doing taking a yogurt back four times when Seth Meyers is being so cute?
电视里全是讨厌鬼 。
J.K. Rowling is tearing us apart.
What are we supposed to do now that she's switched from Hogwarts to harsh reality?
JK罗琳正使我们心碎 。
The one excuse to talk about *NSYNC again is now gone.
Joey Fatone was eliminated from Dancing With the Stars.
一个谈论超级男孩的借口现在已经不复存在了 。
乔伊法托被《与星共舞》淘汰了 。
2、Let Loose With a Sidecar
It took two Daniel Craig James Bond movies before we got the perfect contemporary Bond theme.
Adele, we just needed someone like you.
在我们获得完美的当代邦德主题之前,先看两部丹尼尔•克雷格演的詹姆斯•邦德的电影 。
阿黛尔,我们只是需要像你这样的人 。
Facebook is nothing like chairs. Or Basketball.
It is like all these other things though.
Facebook完全不像椅子或篮球 。
虽然所有的这些东西都差不多 。
3、Let's Forget the Ever Happened With Whiskey, Neat
Chris Brown and Rihanna seem to think getting back together is a great idea. 克里斯•布朗和蕾哈娜似乎想复合是一个很棒的主意 。
Rick Santorum has some creepy advice for dealing with the loss of Big Bird.
"You can kill things and still like them." Which is exactly what Sid,the evil kid from Toy Story, probably said before he blew up his first little green army man.
里克•桑托伦提出了一些关于处理大鸟遗失的令人毛骨悚然的意见 。
“你可以毁掉一些东西,但还是会喜欢他们 。”而这正是《玩具总动员》中坏孩子希德在引爆自己的第一个绿军人之前可能说的话 。