。THE hottest show this summer-"the Voice" just finished on Sunday at the Shanghai Stadium. But the show that had a good start, didn't end to everyone's satisfaction. The two and a half hour show dragged on for more than four hours because of the huge amount of advertising, which the audience and residents living nearby could hardly bear.
今年夏天最热门的选秀节目《中国好声音》上周日在上海体育场刚刚落下帷幕 。这场选秀有一个良好的开头,但结尾并没有让大家满意 。由于大量的广告,两个半小时的节目拖成了4个多小时,观众和住在附近的居民几乎无法忍受 。
This summer, something hotter than the weather came to Shanghai. That is the Voice of China. The show soon became a cash cow for the organizer as the advertisement prices reached 1.16 million yuan for 15 seconds. And the show has earned more than 100 million yuan up to now in ad income only,
这个夏天比天气还火热的东西来到了上海 。这就是《中国好声音》 。该节目很快成为主办单位的摇钱树,因为15秒的广告价格就达到了116万元 。到目前为止仅仅节目的广告收入就已达到1亿多人民币 。
But the organizers' bliss was audiences' melancholy.
然而主办方的福佑却是观众的受罪 。
In the final live show on Sunday, about 14 rounds of advertisements were aired, each of which came at a crucial result-announcing moment.
在周日的选秀决赛现场,在每个宣布结果的关键时刻大约有14轮广告播出 。
Frequently interrupted by advertisements, some live audience members complained that the show wasn't worth its ticket prices of 180 to 1680 yuan.
经常被广告给打断,一些现场观众抱怨该节目并不值180元到1680元不等的票价 。
The planned two and a half hour show went two hours overtime because of the advertising. This annoyed audience members, and touched the nerves of residents living near the site.
计划两个半小时的演出因为广告远远超出了两小时 。这惹恼了观众,并触及到了住在附近的居民的神经 。
Someone called the police, and the show is now facing punishment for going over-time and disturbing residents late at night.
有人报了警,该节目现在正面临超时演出以及深夜扰民的惩罚 。