Some things you totally see coming – that Bill Murray would be a great FDR in Hyde Park on Hudson, for instance. Or that Ben Affleck's Argo, about rescuing American embassy workers in Iran, would somehow nail the Hollywood satire nail-biting escape genre. (Oh, who are we kidding? It created the Hollywood satire nail-biting escape genre – and it's getting Oscar buzz to boot.) Still, some things out of the Toronto International Film Festival continue to surprise, even now that the show's over. Here are a few:
有些事情你完全可以预料到 。比如电影《哈德逊岸边的海德公园》里比尔•默里将成为伟大的富兰克林• 德拉诺•罗斯福 。又或者,本•阿弗莱克的《逃离德黑兰》(Argo),关于营救在伊朗的美国使馆工作人员影片,冥冥之中将掀起好莱坞讽刺剧扣人心弦的逃生热潮 。 (哦,我们在开谁玩笑呢?它开创了好莱坞讽刺剧扣人心弦的逃生风格并有望将奥斯卡收入囊中 。)但现在即使电影节已经结束,来自多伦多国际电影节的一些东西仍会继续带来惊喜 。以下就是:
• Jennifer Lawrence is better than you think
Sure, she was great as Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games, but Lawrence is even better in Silver Linings Playbook, opposite Bradley Cooper. Cooper plays Pat, newly released from a mental hospital, while Lawrence is Tiffany, the neighborhood's resident crazy chick. They're amazing together, with Lawrence showing incredible range and talent in her award-worthy performance. Which reminds me – if you've never seen her gritty drama Winter's Bone, you seriously need to invest a few hours on that one. It should satisfy a Lawrence fan's fix until Playbook hits theaters Nov. 21.
当然,她如《饥饿游戏》中凯特尼斯•伊芙狄恩一样强大,但在《乌云背后的幸福线》里与布莱德利•库珀对戏的劳伦斯甚至更棒 。库珀扮演派特,刚从精神病院释放,而劳伦斯扮演蒂芙尼,邻居家的疯狂小妞 。他们在一起有着超默契的合作,在其值得嘉奖的表演中劳伦斯展现了她令人难以置信的戏路和天分 。这提醒了我 ——如果你还没看过《冬天的骨头》里她的坚韧,那么你需要对那部电影认真地投入几个小时 。在《乌云背后的幸福线》11月21日上映前它应该能满足粉丝对劳伦斯的窥探 。
• Cloud Atlas is still drifting in my head
I'll be honest, I still don't know what to make of the epic from the Wachowskis and Run Lola Run director Tom Tykwer, based on David Mitchell's novel. Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Broadbent, Hugh Grant, and a host of other actors play multiple parts in the film that spans aeons. (I'm not sure when "106 winters after the fall" is supposed to be, but it sounds like a good stretch of time.) It's all visually arresting, and certainly fun, but do the stories add up to much? I'm still not sure. Do me a favor: See it when it comes out Oct. 26 and tell me what you think.
说实话,我还是不知道沃卓斯基姐弟联手《罗拉快跑》导演汤姆•提克威将如何把大卫•米切尔的同名小说拍成史诗巨制 。汤姆•汉克斯、哈莉•贝瑞、吉姆•布罗德本特、休•格兰特和众多其他大牌演员倾力加盟这部跨越不同时空的电影 。(我不知道“秋天后的106个冬天”是何时,但它听起来就像一段很棒的时间 。)全是视觉冲击,肯定有趣,但故事本身意味深厚吗?我还不能确定 。帮我一个忙:在它上映的10月26日看看这部片子,并告诉我你的想法 。
• There's a way to make Anna Karenina feel new
Granted, not everyone will be thrilled with director Joe Wright's take on Tolstoy's classic, but you have to give the man credit for trying something beautifully inventive. This production, starring Keira Knightley, Aaron Johnson and Jude Law, is like a musical without the singing. The action often takes place on stage, the movements beautifully choreographed as if the entire film were one exquisite dance. Oh, and the costumes are stunning.
当然,不是每个人对导演乔•怀特重拍托尔斯泰的经典之作都很兴奋,但你不得不信任这个男人因为他在尝试一些美好的创造性的东西 。这部作品由凯拉•奈特利、亚伦•约翰逊和裘德洛主演,就像是一部没有歌唱的音乐片 。拍摄经常在舞台上,精心编制的美丽舞蹈动作,好像整部电影就是一支优美的舞蹈 。哦,服装也华美惊艳 。
• Winona's back!
No, I know Winona Ryder has had a few great roles lately. She was Spock's mom in Star Trekthree years ago, and she gave a great performance in Black Swan, as the washed-up ballerina nudged out of the spotlight by Natalie Portman. But Ryder has her best role in ages in The Iceman, a biopic about contract killer Richard Kuklinski (Michael Shannon). The movie is uneven, but Ryder is as talented – and as beautiful as ever – as Kuklinski's sweet, clueless wife, Deborah. Let's hope this is the (re)start of something big for Wi.
不,我知道薇诺娜•瑞德最近扮演着几个重大角色 。她是几年前《星际迷航》里史波克的妈妈,在《黑天鹅》中她表演出色,饰演一位被娜塔莉•波特曼抢去了镁光灯的过气芭蕾舞演员 。但瑞德在《冰人》里获得了她这些年的最好角色,一部关于连环杀手Richard Kuklinski(迈克尔•珊农饰)的传记影片 。这部电影带着争议,但扮演Kuklinski甜蜜、一无所知的妻子德博拉的瑞德还是一如既往的聪明美丽 。让我们期待这是薇诺娜的重磅归来 。
• Occasionally, Joss Whedon misses
I'm a Whedon fan. I dug Firefly, sang along to Dr. Horrible and gave The Avengers four stars. But his modern-day take on Much Ado About Nothing is deeply disappointing. Alexis Denisof and Amy Acker star as bickering would-be lovers Benedick and Beatrice, and they just don't bring anything fresh or exciting to the roles. Plus, Whedon's decision to shoot the film in black and white is puzzling, since none of the lighting or composition seems conducive to it. (The play is about a wedding in an Italian villa – it ought to be a riot of color and light.) Basically, if you're a fan of the Kenneth Branagh version from 1993, I'd stick with that one.
我是一个韦登粉丝,欣赏《萤火虫》,欢唱《恐怖博士》,给《复仇者》四颗星 。但他拍的现代版 《无事生非》令人深感失望 。埃里克斯•德尼索夫和艾米•阿克饰演由冤家成恋人的班奈迪克与碧翠丝,他们并没有赋予角色任何新鲜且令人兴奋的东西 。此外,韦登以黑白片拍摄的决定令人费解,因为照明或构图似乎没有一个有利于它 。(该剧是关于一个在意大利山野别墅的婚礼 - 它应该拥有缤纷的色彩和光线 。)基本上,如果你是1993年的肯尼斯•布拉纳版本的影迷,我会坚持选择那部作品 。