Baidu isn't quite China's Google.
China's Internet giant has managed to replicate Google's dominance of Internet search, with 85% of the market by traffic in the first quarter, according to web analysis firm iResearch. But with rivals vying for control of the gateway to search in web browsers and smartphones, that dominance can't be taken for granted.
The clear and present danger comes from online upstart Qihoo 360 Technology QIHU +4.33% . Earlier this month, Qihoo launched its own search function and made it the default option on its popular browser. The most obvious loser is Google, which until now was Qihoo's default search provider. But Baidu also stands to lose market share.
一个显而易见也是迫在眉睫的危险来自网络后起之秀奇虎360科技有限公司(Qihoo 360 Technology)。上个月,奇虎360推出了自己的搜索服务,并将之设置为其颇受欢迎的浏览器上的默认搜索选项。在奇虎360的这番举动中,最明显的输家是谷歌,在此之前,谷歌一直是奇虎360的默认搜索引擎。不过,百度也可能失去部分市场份额。
With more than a decade of experience in search, Baidu has quality on its side. In 2011, it outspent Qihoo on research and development by more than three to one. It's difficult to believe that the new kid on the block will be able to compete on performance.
But with more than 20% of China's browser market, Qihoo has a powerful distribution network. That doesn't guarantee success. Tencent Holdings' TCEHY +0.53% hundreds of millions of instant messenger users haven't translated into market share for its search function. But assuming at least some users are too lazy to change the default, Qihoo should gain some search-market traction.
不过,凭借其在中国浏览器市场逾20%的份额,奇虎360拥有强大的分销网络。但这并不能保证奇虎360能在搜索市场取得成功。腾讯控股有限公司(Tencent Holdings)拥有数亿即时通讯用户,但这并没有使其搜索服务所占市场份额大幅扩张。不过,假如一些用户懒得改变默认设置,奇虎360应该能够在搜索市场夺取一定的份额。
Investors aren't taking any chances. Baidu's stock price has fallen 16% from its mid-August high. Qihoo's stock is up nearly the same amount over the same period. That seems like an overreaction to the immediate threat. But even if Baidu manages to see off Qihoo, the sneak attack is a reminder that dominance can't be taken for granted.
Google has spent big on developing its own Chrome browser - now the most used in the world, according to web analytics company StatCounter - and Android mobile operating system. That has been expensive. But that means that it controls the routes into search from computer and smartphone. Google+ hasn't enjoyed the same success but shows it is responding to the threat from social search as well.
Baidu, by contrast, has been relatively timid in expanding beyond the core search business. Its PC browser has attracted relatively few users. Its social offering got the cold shoulder from China's Internet users. Market share in mobile search is below that for PCs, though Baidu is moving aggressively to turn that around.
Qihoo's smash-and-grab raid might not have a lasting effect, but it shows Baidu is vulnerable to those who control the pathways to search.