十二星座如何改掉坏毛病之天枰 天蝎
日期:2012-08-31 17:07


LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23) Libras gave birth to the term "shopaholic". These folks have every credit card known to man. And while their taste is undeniably impeccable, it can get them in trouble at bankruptcy court. What's really at stake here is a quest for beauty. Enjoying simple but inexpensive pleasures like nature walks and museums can quell the urge to splurge.


SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Nobody carries a grudge better than this sign. Unfortunately, hanging on to resentments has a way of crowding out love, happiness, and trust. In order for Scorpios to let go of anger, they must first practice self-care. Getting a massage every month or writing in a journal each day will soften this sign's heart and enable forgiveness.


  • questn. 探索,寻求 v. 寻找,搜索
  • inexpensiveadj. 花费不多的,廉价的
  • urgevt. 驱策,鼓励,力陈,催促 vi. 极力主张 n.
  • softenv. (使)变柔和,(使)软化
  • quellv. 压制,平息,镇定
  • staken. 桩,赌注,利害关系 v. 下注,用桩支撑
  • creditn. 信用,荣誉,贷款,学分,赞扬,赊欠,贷方 (复)c
  • bankruptcyn. 破产
  • impeccableadj. 无过的,无错误的,无瑕疵的