A false start almost ruined his chances at the event. The fans were so loud that they distracted Sun, and he could hardly hear the buzzer, so he jumped into the pool before the other swimmers. Because of the crowd's boisterousness, the referee didn't eject him and allowed him to redo the event.
False start原是“起步失误”的意思,在赛跑中指“起跑犯规”,也就是我们通常所说的 “抢跑”,在游泳比赛中,自然就是“抢跳”的意思了。另外,to jump the gun也是“抢跑、抢跳”的意思。例如:He was disqualified from the race for jumping the gun.(他因为抢跑而被取消了参赛资格。)此外,还有很多与false相关的固定表达,比如法律中的false arrest(非法拘留、不法逮捕),false imprisonment(非法拘禁),以及前段时间叶诗文遭遇的false allegation(无端指责)等。