Liu Xiang's Beijing pull-out sent China into deep shock
Chinese hurdler falls from grace
China's most-watched athlete is returning to the Olympic track four years after his hopes for gold were crushed in Beijing.
中国声望最高的运动员已经来到伦敦奥运赛场上,准备重拾四年前在北京奥林匹克公园赛道上碎落一地的夺金希望 。
Liu Xiang, who won a gold medal in the 2004 Athens Olympics, is competing in the men's 110m hurdle competition. Heats take place on Tuesday.
刘在2004年雅典奥运会上为中国赢得首枚田径项目奥运奖牌的运动员正在进行男子1110米跨栏比赛 。激烈的比赛从周二开始 。
Millions of his compatriots will be willing him on, hoping he can put his Beijing Olympic nightmare behind him.
数以百万的追随者都希望他能抛开北京奥运会上的噩梦,重新撑起一片新天地 。
Then fans watched in shock as he walked out of the Bird's Nest stadium at the very last minute due to leg and heel injuries.
当时刘翔在比赛开始前的最后一分钟因为脚踝和大腿拉伤退赛,他的追随者眼睁睁地看着这位金牌运动员从鸟巢中蹇足而出 。
His distraught coach, Sun Haiping, told journalists that the athlete had been "fighting and fighting until the last moment" but ultimately could not run.
他的随身教练孙海平告诉记者说“他已经尽力了”但很明显不能再继续比赛 。
The nation mourned the untimely end of their brightest star's medal dreams.
几乎所有中国人都在为这个突然间破碎的冠军梦悲声难掩 。
Liu underwent nearly four months of surgery and treatment in the US, before his return to the track in late 2009. The 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games were seen as the point by which he had fully recovered.
在美国接受了为期4个月的治疗之后,刘翔才于2009年再次返回赛场 。在2010年的广州亚运会上,刘翔被认为已经完全康复 。
Now, at the age of 28, the Shanghai-born superstar is about to experience high pressure again as he sets foot in Stratford's Olympic Park.
现在这位28岁的上海运动巨星将再次面临同样的压力,不同的是地点不再是北京,而是斯坦福德奥林公园体育馆 。我们姑且拭目以待 。