日期:2012-08-07 16:42


The day the power went off in Delhi and northern India, I was at home in Bangalore, a city that fortunately escaped the blackout. It brought back memories of my student days in Kolkata, a city then (in the 1980s) notorious for its power cuts. Eight or 10 hours without electricity were de rigueur. The fan would stop working at night: at 38C and 90 per cent humidity, this meant no sleep until the power came back. We would gather outside, talking in groups, varying our routine by walking to the highway that ran alongside our campus, where dhabas served tea (and stronger stuff) all night.
Even now, many villages have electricity for only four to six hours a day and some still have no power at all. As a student, I awoke when the fan went off. On the other hand, peasants wake themselves up when the lights come back, to use the tubewells that irrigate their fields.
Indians have long been used to erratic power supply; yet the recent outages were special, spectacular in their scale and impact. Twenty one out of 28 states were without power for long stretches. Some 600m Indians were affected. It is not yet clear what caused the collapse. With the monsoon having failed, it is far hotter and drier than is usual at this time of year, driving the rich to use more air conditioning and peasants to rely more heavily on their tubewells. In the rush to satisfy their citizens, individual states drew more than their share from the National Grid. As The Hindu newspaper reported, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana and Uttarakhand all "ignored strong warnings from the . . . Central Electricity Regulatory Commission to maintain grid discipline and stop over-drawal".
印度人早已习惯了不稳定的电力供应;但近期的停电比较特殊,其规模和影响比较惊人。印度的28个邦中有21个遭遇长时间停电。约6亿印度人受到影响。目前尚不清楚大停电的原因。今年的季风带来的降雨偏少,天气比往年同期更加炎热干燥,结果富人的空调使用量增加,农民也更加依赖管井。个别邦急于满足本邦居民的需求,从印度国家电网(National Grid)汲取了超出其配额的电量。《印度教徒报》(The Hindu)报道称,北方邦、旁遮普邦、拉贾斯坦邦、哈里亚纳邦和北阿坎德邦全都"无视中央电力监管委员会(Central Electricity Regulatory Commission)要求遵守电网纪律、停止过度用电的强烈警告"。
Behind this short-term political desperation lies a longer-term institutional decline. Back in the 1990s, the distinguished energy scientist A.K.N. Reddy outlined a strategy to overcome India's energy crisis. This focused on reducing theft and distribution losses (estimated at 30-40 per cent of total consumption), upgrading transmission and end-use technologies and running state electricity boards professionally. The suggestions were disregarded. Antiquated technologies were not replaced. Political interference and corruption continued.
在这种短期的政治层面的丧失信心背后,隐藏着一种较长期的机构层面的衰败。上世纪90年代,杰出的能源科学家A•K•N•雷迪(A.K.N. Reddy)提出了一项解决印度能源危机的战略。这项战略的重点是减少偷电和配电损失(估计占电力总消耗量的30%至40%),升级输电和终端使用技术,并让专家来管理国家电力委员会(State Electricity Board)。但这些建议无人重视。过时的技术没有得到替换。政治干预和腐败依然存在。
On the same day as the power outage in the north, some bogies in a train in south India caught fire. Forty passengers perished. Although less widely reported in the western media, this accident was likewise symptomatic of the failure of state-run institutions that are crucial to social wellbeing. Hundreds of millions of Indians use the railways every year. They are indispensable to work and family life, carrying migrants back to their homes and to their first jobs.
Between April 2010 and March 2012, the Indian railway system suffered 218 accidents, in which some 500 people died. Successive railway ministers have disregarded safety and technological modernisation in favour of running more lines to their own states and constituencies.
As with railways and electricity boards, so also with public health and education departments. Indeed, the degradation of state institutions is perhaps the most serious threat to the vitality of Indian democracy and to the long-term success of India's "growth story".
Four years ago, I wrote an essay for Outlook magazine, mocking the claim – then commonly made by the country's political, business and media elite – that India could or would become a superpower. I argued that despite electoral democracy and high growth rates, there remained pervasive faultlines. These included religious and caste chauvinisms, rising social inequalities, corruption and environmental degradation. I was not optimistic that these faultlines would be easily corrected, given the "decline in the quality and capability of our politicians and public officials" and "the apathy and corruption of the state".
I further argued that: "in the short term, at any rate, the Indian political class can only get more corrupt, and the Indian state more inefficient. In the current, fragmented, political scenario, short-term rent-seeking will take precedence over long-term policy formulation. This shall be true of governments in the states, as well as at the centre". Far from becoming a superpower, I concluded, India would muddle along in the middle – as it always had. At the time, I was derided as a party-pooper and professional sceptic. I was accused of lacking patriotism and even of being a "western stool pigeon".
So far as I can tell, the short-term is still with us. How else to explain the fact that on the very day the lights went off in 21 states, the power minister, Sushil Kumar Shinde, was promoted to the post of home minister? His tenure in his previous position was undistinguished. However, he is a long-term loyalist (not to say acolyte) of the Congress party's president, Sonia Gandhi. Besides, he hails from Maharashtra, where a state election is due in a few months.
在我看来,这种短视依然伴随着我们。否则如何解释恰恰在21个邦停电的同一天,电力部长苏希尔•库马尔•欣德(Sushil Kumar Shinde)被提升为内政部长?欣德在担任电力部长期间表现平平,但他长期效忠于国大党主席索妮娅•甘地(Sonia Gandhi)(甚至可以说是她的助手)。而且,欣德来自马哈拉施特拉邦,几个月后那里将举行邦选举。
I need only add that, in these respects, the Congress is not exceptional. In Indian politics and public administration, personal loyalty and the appeasement of special interests take precedence over professional competence and the public good.

  • currentn. (水、气、电)流,趋势 adj. 流通的,现在的,
  • inefficientadj. 无效率的,无能的,不称职的
  • optimisticadj. 乐观的,乐观主义的
  • antiquatedadj. 陈旧的,过时的,年老的 动词antiquate
  • exceptionaladj. 例外的,异常的,特别的,杰出的
  • muddlen. 困惑,混浊状态 vt. 使混乱,使糊涂,使惊呆 v
  • symptomaticadj. 症候的;有症状的
  • affectedadj. 受影响的,受感动的,受疾病侵袭的 adj. 做
  • professionaladj. 职业的,专业的,专门的 n. 专业人员
  • undistinguishedadj. 平凡的;混杂的;听不清的;看不清的