The only predictable part of the men's team gymnastics final Monday night was that China would successfully defend its Olympic gold medal.
Everything else was uncertain岸even after the final event ended.
After Britain appeared to notch a surprise silver medal on its home turf, Japan appealed a score in the day's last event, in which superstar Kohei Uchimura appeared to fall off the pommel horse.
在英国男子体操队意外摘得一枚银牌后,日本对鞍马比赛的评分提出申诉,在这项男团决赛的最后一项比赛中,日本超级巨星内村航平(Kohei Uchimura)似乎从鞍马上跌落下来。
The crowd at North Greenwich Arena tensely waited as the judges reviewed Uchimura's routine. After five minutes, a new score popped up on the stadium display: Japan was awarded an additional 0.7 of a point, bouncing Britain to bronze.
在裁判重新观看内村航平的鞍马动作回放时,北格林威治体育馆(North Greenwich Arena)的观众都在紧张地等待着。五分钟后,体育馆显示屏上打出了一个新分数,日本队追回了0.7分,导致英国队由银牌变为铜牌。
The British-heavy crowd booed. Even more distraught were the Ukrainian gymnasts, who dropped out of the medal standings to fourth. They stood behind the rings apparatus with arms akimbo, eyes welling as they stared at the huge scoreboard hanging in the arena's center.
Ukraine coach Yuliy Kuksenkov said his team deserved a medal, but he was resigned to the result. 'I can't change anything,' he said. 'In our discipline, possibly there is some preferences in judging岸possibly,' he said.
乌克兰教练库科森科夫(Yuliy Kuksenkov)说,自己的队伍应该获得一枚奖牌,但他对结果表示接受。他说,我什么都不能改变,在我们看来,可能评委有一些偏好,不过只是可能。
The Chinese men's team has won every world gymnastics championship and Olympic competition since 2006.
The first major scoring controversy of the London Games again highlighted the subjective nature of gymnastics, one of the few Olympic sports that rely on human judges.
7月30日,在体操男子团体决赛后的颁奖仪式上,获得铜牌的英国队选手惠特洛克(Max Whitlock)向获得银牌的日本队望去。这是伦敦奥运会开赛以来出现的首次重大比分争议,再次凸显出体操项目的主观性。体操是奥运会中为数不多的几个依赖裁判主观评分的项目之一。
Monday's kerfuffle also overshadowed the dominance of the Chinese team and the surprising flaws of the American squad, a gold-medal contender that blundered its way to fifth. It also marred the ascendance of the British gymnasts, who hadn't even qualified for a men's team final since 1924.
But the demotion to bronze didn't disappoint the home-team athletes themselves. 'We already exceeded our expectations by qualifying,' said British captain Louis Smith, a fan favorite because of his pommel-horse mastery and Mohawk-like coif. 'This is a beautiful day for the sport of British gymnastics.'
但是,从银牌降为铜牌并没有让英国男子体操运动员失望。英国男子体操队队长路易斯·史密斯(Louis Smith)说,进入决赛已经超出了我们的预期,对英国体操运动来说这是美好的一天。史密斯因其高超的鞍马水平和莫霍克式发型成为最受人喜爱的运动员之一。
The Chinese team, on the other hand, said they won because they were flawless. On routine after routine, the team, egged on by a Chinese fans waving the country's flag, performed the final's most difficult moves without stumbling.
伦敦奥运会男子体操团体决赛一波三折,日本队在最后时刻申诉成功,由第四名升至第二,而英国队也创纪录地摘走铜牌。唯一在人们意料之中的结果是中国队成功卫冕。《华尔街日报》的Stu Woo介绍了体操男子团体决赛的细节,并展望了接下来的女团决赛。而中国队说,他们赢得比赛是因为自己的零失误。在完成规定动作后,中国男子体操运动员在挥舞着国旗的中国观众鼓励下,以无瑕疵的表现完成了决赛中的最难动作。 'That is our secret to beat the Japanese岸and beat everyone,' said Feng Zhe, who had the top parallel-bar score of all gymnasts in the team final.
在双杠项目上获得了全场最高分的冯喆说,这就是我们战胜日本和其它国家的秘密。 Perfection hadn't been a sure thing for the Chinese team after the preliminaries, where the team had numerous errors and placed sixth. In a news conference, Feng denied that the team was trying to trick the competition. 'A betting company didn't sponsor us, so we don't need to send a smoke screen,' he said.
Asked in a news conference what they thought about Britain's medal, all of the members of the Chinese team applauded. Said team member Chen Yibing in English: 'Very good.'
在新闻发布会上,当被问到对英国获奖作何感想时,中国男子体操队的所有队员都报以了掌声。队员陈一冰用英语说,Very good(很好)。