Any car accident is frightening, but an accident in which your vehicle is thrown into the water, with you trapped inside, is absolutely terrifying. Such accidents are particularly dangerous due to the risk of drowning.
However, most deaths are a result of panic, not having a plan and not understanding what is happening to the car in the water. By adopting a brace position to survive the impact, acting decisively when the car ends up in the water, and getting out fast, being trapped in a sinking vehicle is survivable, even if it's a flooded river.
1.Brace yourself for impact. As soon as you're aware that you're going off the road and into a body of water, adopt a brace position. This is done by placing both hands on the steering wheel in the "ten and two" positions. The impact your car makes could set off the airbag system in your vehicle and any other brace position could cause serious injury in such an event. Remember, an airbag inflates rapidly, within 0.04 seconds upon being triggered.Once this aspect is out of the way, prepare for the next step immediately.
Remain calm. Panic reduces energy, uses up precious air, and causes you to blank out. Panic can be left for the shore when you reach it.
2. Undo your seat belt. The seatbelt is the first thing to attend to, yet it often gets forgotten in the panic.Unbuckle the children, starting with the oldest first (who can then help the others).
Forget the cell phone call. Your car isn't going to wait for you to make the call and sadly, people have lost their lives trying this.Get busy getting out.
There is a counter-theory that suggests the seat belt should be left on. This theory suggests that if you release your seat belt, you may, due to underwater disorientation, end up moving away from the window or door opening due to the ingress of water through the opening. Having your seat belt on could also help you maintain your sense of orientation if the car flips upside-down. On the downside, having your seat belt on can also make it harder to get out quickly and to move out.
3. Open the window as soon as you hit the water. Leave the door alone at this stage and concentrate on the window. A car's electrical system should work for up to three minutes in water(not that you have three minutes of course), so try the method of opening it electronically first. Many people don't think about the window as an escape option either because of panic, lack of using the window for exit normally, or because they're focused on lots of misinformation about doors and sinking.
There are several reasons for not bothering with the door. Immediately upon impact, you have only a few seconds in which opening the door of your sinking car is possible, while most of the door is still above water level. Once the car has started to sink, it is not humanly possible to open the door again until the pressure between the inside and the outside of the car has been equalized (leveled); this means that the car cabin has to be filled with water and that's not really a state you want to be in.
The end of the car that contains the engine will usually sink fastest, often leaving the car at an angle where the heaviest part of the vehicle is lower than the lightest. As such, you may be able to open some doors while the car is still floating.