Vogue usually doesn't devote much of its coverage to boxing. But history will be made in London this summer when the Olympics feature women's boxing for the first time, and Vogue has published a compelling profile on Marlen Esparza.
Esparza started boxing when she was 11 in her hometown of Pasadena, Texas. Now 23, Esparza might be the best bet to win gold for the U.S.
The Vogue profile notes that she doesn't necessarily look the part: "A track-and-field athlete, perhaps, or a runner, but at five feet three and 112 pounds she is neither brawny nor particularly fierce-looking."
But there's no arguing that she looks stunning in that red dress for her Vogue shoot, nor with her 69–2 record.
Her in-ring success prompted top-tier companies such as Nike, Coca-Cola and CoverGirl to sign Esparza to sponsorship deals. That allowed Esparza to quit her day job as a dental assistant to focus on training full time, and staying focused has required sacrifice and dedication.
她在拳击场上的优秀表现吸引 了一大批大型公司的注意。耐克、可口可乐和封面女郎都跟她签订了广告宣传合同,随之而来的广告费则帮助埃斯帕扎摆脱了牙医助手的工作,可以全身心地投入到拳击的比赛当中。
"It's miserable, actually," she tells Vogue.
"It's torture. I get mad. I don't date. I haven't gone out in a long time. It's just depressing. Thank God I don't have Facebook, because if I did, I'd be jealous of everybody. I don't want to know what I'm missing."
“它是一种折磨,有时候会让我发狂。 我不约会,不跟朋友碰面,也不用Facebook。谢天谢地!如果我用的话,我会嫉妒身边的每一个人,嫉妒他们可以享受生活。我不想知道自己为了拳击牺牲了什么。”