Until fairly recently economists envisaged three stages of economic development.
First, there was the stage of capital accumulation started by the industrial revolution. The Marxist historian Eric Hobsbawm called it the age of capital. Society saved a large part of its income to invest in capital equipment. The world gradually filled up with capital goods.
首先是工业革命开启的资本积累阶段。马克思主义历史学家艾瑞克•霍布斯鲍姆(Eric Hobsbawm)将之称为资本时代。社会将很大一部分收入储蓄起来用于投资资本设备。世界上的资本品逐渐多了起来。
This stage, economists thought, would be followed by the age of consumption, in which people began realising the fruits of their previous frugality. They would save less and consume more, as the returns to new investment fell and the possibilities of consumption expanded.
Then would come the third and final stage, the age of abundance. With a surfeit of consumption goods, people would start swapping greater consumption for greater leisure. The world of work would recede. This was supposed to be the end point of the economic phase of history.
Much of the world has not yet reached the age of consumption.
The Chinese, for example, still save and invest on a colossal scale. Our problem is that western societies remain stuck in the age of consumption. We are much, much richer than we were 100 years ago, but hours of work have not fallen nearly as much as productivity has risen, and we go on consuming more than ever. We seem unable to say "enough is enough". Why not?
One starting point to answering this question might be Keynes' futuristic essayEconomic Possibilities for our Grandchildren, published in 1930. In this essay he predicted that by now we would only need to work 15 hours a week "to satisfy the old Adam in us". The rest would be leisure time. What did he get wrong?
要回答这一问题,可能需要从凯恩斯发表于1930年的未来派著作《我们子孙后代的经济可能性》(Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren)说起。凯恩斯在这一著作中预言,到现在这个时候我们每周只需工作15小时"来满足我们的本能需求",剩下的则是休闲时间。他的预言到底错在哪里?
We can concede straight away that the earlier economists, taking their cue from the privations around them, suffered from a certain poverty of imagination. They thought in terms of quantities: you can eat only so much food, have so many pairs of shoes, live in so many houses, drive so many cars. They failed to allow for continued improvement in the quality of goods, which stimulates the appetite for serial consumption, and so keeps up the hours of work.
But we must not concede too much under this head. Many improvements are negligible and, even when positive, consumers are constantly seduced by advertisers into over-estimating their benefits – as with the wonderful effects of all those innovative financial products.
A more serious charge is that many of the older generation of economists underestimated insatiability. Having more seems to make us want more, or different. This is partly because we are by nature restless and easily bored. But it is mainly because wants are relative, not absolute: the grass is always greener on the other side. The richer we become, the more we feel our relative poverty.
There is a third factor, however, for which the earlier economists can't really be blamed. They were not egalitarians, but they did think that growing prosperity would lift up all boats. They did not foresee that the rich would race ahead of everyone else, capturing most of the fruits of increased productivity. (Karl Marx is the main exception here.)
然而,这里面还有第三个原因,而这个原因不能完全归咎于早期的经济学家。他们并非平等主义者,但他们的确认为,只有不断发展经济,才能让所有人过上好日子。他们没有预判到,富人会跑赢其他所有人,将生产率提高的绝大部分果实收入囊中。(在对这个问题的预判上,卡尔•马克思(Karl Marx)是个明显的例外。)
The result has been to leave big holes in our consumption society. A lot of people still do not have enough for a good life. In Britain, 13m households, 21 per cent of the total, live below the official poverty line. There is a lot of underconsumption going on relative to what society is producing. Earlier socialists called it "poverty in the midst of plenty".