Facebook Inc. is likely to get a bunch of new friends on Wall Street on Wednesday, when about two dozen analysts will be free to chime in publicly on its prospects.
本周三,二十余名分析师将自由表达对Facebook Inc.公司前景的预期,Facebook很可能因此吸引到一些华尔街的新朋友。
On Tuesday, a 40-day quiet period will conclude for analysts at banks that were underwriters of Facebook's initial public offering, including lead underwriters Morgan Stanley, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. The analysts are expected to publish their initial research early on Wednesday, people at the firms said.
Facebook首次公开募股(IPO)承销行分析师为期40天的静默期将于本周二结束。这些承销行包括摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)、摩根大通(J.P. Morgan Chase)和高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.)。上述公司的人士说,预计分析师将在周三上午公布他们的首份研究报告。
Major Wall Street firms are barred for a period from putting out analyst reports on stocks they underwrite partly to keep a lid on hype that can surround hot IPOs. Other smaller banks involved in an IPO typically agree to adhere to the delay.
When reports do come out, they can provide a booster shot for shares. The day the analyst reports from underwriters came out for LinkedIn Corp. last year, LinkedIn shares surged 12% as the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index rose 1.3%.
AP本周三,二十余名分析师将自由表达对Facebook Inc.公司前景的预期,Facebook很可能因此吸引到一些华尔街的新朋友。而报告发布的时点往往会成为股价上涨的良机。去年LinkedIn Corp.公司的承销商分析师发布报告那天,LinkedIn的股价涨了12%,相比之下,标准普尔500指数(Standard & Poor's 500-stock index)则仅上升了1.3%。
For nearly 700 U.S.-listed company IPOs from 2006 to 2011, analysts initiating research after 40 days placed an average "hold" or "buy" rating on the stock, according to Ipreo Inc., a research from capital markets data and advisory firm. Of seven IPOs that had initial average analyst ratings of "sell," the companies' shares had rallied sharply after the IPO, which analysts said made the stocks overvalued, Ipreo said.
Analysts not affiliated with the Facebook IPO have pointed to a series of developments since the social-networking company's market debut that could help support a positive outlook. In early June, Facebook announced it was expanding advertising opportunities on its mobile app, a move expected to boost revenue. Also this month, some big-name advertisers said they found value in Facebook advertising. Facebook also said it began placing messages from advertisers on game site Zynga Inc.
没有参与Facebook IPO的分析师已经指出了一系列在这家社交网络公司上市后出现的能够支持乐观前景的动向。Facebook在6月初宣布,该公司正在增加移动应用程序的广告机会,预计此举将提升公司营收。一些知名公司也在本月表示,他们发现在Facebook上投放广告颇具价值。Facebook也说,已经开始将商家的广告投放到Zynga Inc.的游戏上。
Brian Nowak, an analyst at Nomura Securities Co., which wasn't a Facebook underwriter, published a note last week with a $40 target. "There are signs that the company is improving its focus on monetization, including talking to ad agencies and working with advertisers," he said in an interview.
野村证券(Nomura Securities Co.)的分析师诺瓦克(Brian Nowak)上周发布了一份报告,他在报告中预计Facebook的股价将上涨到40美元。他在接受采访时说,有迹象表明,Facebook正在增加对盈利方案的关注,包括与广告公司的会谈,以及与广告商的合作。野村证券不是Facebook IPO的承销商。
Facebook shares are lower since their debut, making it easier for analysts to be bullish. In the first weeks after the May 18 offering, the stock declined as much as 32% from its offer price of $38, to around $26. But in the past few weeks, the stock has made up significant ground, possibly in anticipation of the research reports. On Monday, shares closed down 3%, or 99 cents, to $32.06.
Some market observers say underwriting bank analysts' price targets on the stock likely will be at or above the offer price to give credence to banks' and Facebook's decision to sell shares at $38.
The average price target for Facebook among analysts who have rated the stock thus far is $37.80, according to FactSet.