Ten Creative Public Awareness Ads That Makes You Think
You gotta admit that the world is ugly. Although World War II was more than 60 years ago, the world today is still filled with destruction, but in different forms such as deforestation, animal massacres and also the robbery of human rights. The good news is that when there is darkness, there is light. More and more people, and organizations, have risen up to speak out against these destructive activities and more, with public awareness ads.
你必须承认世界是丑陋的 。尽管第二次世界大战已经过去了60多年,但今天的世界仍充满破坏,只不过以不同的形式罢了,例如森林的砍伐,动物的捕杀以及对人权的剥夺 。值得庆幸的是,黑暗的地方总有光明 。已经有越来越多的人们和组织站出来反对这些破坏行径,其中大部分是通过公共意识广告 。
Today, i want to share with you 10 creative public awareness ads that not only attract people’s attention, but also make them actually want to give the issues a thought, encouraging them to act and to fight against the imbalance of the world.
今天可可小编想和大家分享这10幅富有创新的公共意识广告,不仅希望能引起人们的注意,也希望引发他们对这些问题的思考,鼓励他们行动起来抗击世界不和谐的声音 。
1.Act Fast. The longer we delay in helping children with autism, the harder they are to reach. Act fast, act today.
赶紧行动起来帮助有孤独症的孩子 。我们拖的越久,就越难接近他们 。从今天开始赶紧行动起来 。
2.Before It’s Too Late. Give our Mother Earth a chance to breath.
趁现在还不太晚,给我们的大地母亲一个呼吸的机会 。
3.Don’t let your quest for beauty kill the innocent.
不要因为你的爱美而伤及无辜 。
4.Don’t Talk While He Drives. A powerful message on what could happen on the other side of the receiver, if you take his eyes off the road.
他驾车时,一定不要和他通话 。如果你让他分神了,惨剧可能随时上演 。
5.Each Minute Counts. Undoubtedly a striking one! And it perfectly expressed the message "Each Minute Counts".
分秒必争 。这向我们准确的传达了这样的信息——拯救海豚已经刻不容缓 。
6.For Them, Anything Can Seem A Lot. Your ‘terrible’ meal could be the best thing that ever happen to them, so help them have a great meal.
对于他们,任何东西都可能意味着很多 。你厌倦了的饭菜可能是他们从未有过的美食,让我们帮助他们享有丰盛的一餐 。
7.While most of us go on and on about how difficult it is for an animal to live on the street and fend for itself, let’s no forget that many children go through the same thing as well.
大部分人一直在谈论流落街头自寻食物的动物是多么的艰难,但请不要忘记我们还有很多的孩子正遭受一样的境遇 。
8. It’s not too late for you to realize that you can save an animal’s life by not throwing rubbish everywhere.
随处乱扔的垃圾可能会残害一条动物的生命,意识到这点还不太迟 。
9.Sadness can always be transformed into hope, so don’t give up.
我们总能化悲痛为希望,因此一定不要放弃 。
10.Worst Predator Comes From Land. And this is what we humans look like in the eyes of a sea animal.
最丑陋的捕食者来自于陆地 。在海洋动物的眼里,人类就像这幅嘴脸 。