Ever since Apple's iPod revolutionised the digital music industry, Microsoftexecutives have been drawn by the allure of producing their own consumer devices.
Enthusing about the iPod's simple scroll wheel, the hardware interface that made it easy to sift through large libraries of music, Steve Ballmer, Microsoft chief executive, said at the time that his company might have to develop more of its own hardware if it wanted truly to compete with Apple.
微软首席执行官史蒂夫•鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)对iPod简单的滚动轮很感兴趣。这个滚动轮是一种硬件接口,使得在大型音乐库之间来回切换变得很容易。鲍尔默当时表示,微软如果真心想与苹果竞争,可能就不得不自行开发出更多的硬件产品来。
Now, seven years later, the moment may finally have arrived.
The world's biggest software company has been gearing up to introduce its own tablet computer, which would compete head-to-head with Apple's iPad, according to people familiar with its deliberations.
The move would mark a sea change in the 30-year history of the personal computing industry. But with Apple threatening to disrupt the way of doing business on which its fortune is founded, Microsoft may have little choice.