Security breaches at LinkedIn and eHarmony have highlighted an escalation in attacks on social networks from hackers seeking to exploit personal data, according to security firms.
The professional networking and dating sites have both confirmed that "some" of their users'passwords have been stolen.They have not disclosed how many but security experts said hackers have posted a total of 8m encrypted passwords online, the bulk of which came from LinkedIn.
LastFM, a UK-based social network focused on music owned by CBS, also said yesterday some of its users'passwords had been stolen. Like LinkedIn and eHarmony,it advised users to change passwords.
Experts called the LinkedIn hack "one of the largest we've seen" and said it was a sign that cybercriminals are showing an increasing preference for targeting social networks, including Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. "Now they've switched over to social networks,"said Graham Cluley,senior technology consultant at Sophos, a security research firm."The anti-spam features on these sites are nowhere near as mature as places like Hotmail and Gmail."
专家表示,LinkedIn遭黑客攻击是“我们所见到的规模最大的攻击之一”,他们表示,这是一个迹象,表明网络罪犯越来越喜欢攻击Facebook、Twitter和Pinterest等社交网站。安全研究企业Sophos的资深技术顾问格雷厄姆•克鲁利(Graham Cluley)表示:“现在黑客转移到了社交网站,而这些网站的反垃圾邮件机制远远不如Hotmail和Gmail等网站成熟。”
In April, social networks replaced financial organisations as the top target of phishing attacks, according to data from Kaspersky Lab.
卡巴斯基实验室(Kaspersky Lab)的数据显示,4月,社交网站取代金融机构,成为钓鱼攻击的头号目标。
Phishing campaigns are spoof emails or spoof social networking messages that impersonate a business like LinkedIn to trick people into handing over email addresses, passwords and other personal information.
Kaspersky estimates social networks accounted for 28.8 per cent of phishing attacks in April, a 6 per cent increase from March, due mainly to a surge of attacks on Facebook users.
The cause of this week's hacks are still unknown. LinkedIn has since added enhanced security features to its encryption process, a move Mr Cluley said they "should have been doing earlier". Mr Cluley also said that the openness of social networks to external programmers that develop applications left them more vulnerable to hackers.
In addition, the personal nature of social networks makes it easier for criminals to impersonate someone, using their name and photo to contact friends and work colleagues."If I get a message from someone who is a LinkedIn contact of mine, I'm much more likely to respond,"said David Emm, senior security researcher at Kaspersky Lab.
此外,社交网站的个人性质使罪犯更容易假装成某人,使用他们的名字和照片联系朋友和同事。卡巴斯基实验室的资深安全研究员戴维•埃姆(David Emm)表示:“如果我收到了我在LinkedIn上联系人的信息,我更有可能做出回应。”
Cybercrime on social networks is turning into its own industry, said Jim Walter, manager for McAfee Threat Intelligence Service, as criminals hire underlings to generate more traffic and even ad revenue from these sites through automated botnets, collection of compromised computers.
迈克菲网络威胁情报服务(McAfee Threat Intelligence Service)经理吉姆•沃尔特(Jim Walter)表示,针对社交网络的犯罪正在发展为一个产业。罪犯雇佣人手,通过自动僵尸网络(即大量已被侵入的电脑),在这些网站上制造流量,甚至产生广告收入。
"There's a whole underground economy around LinkedIn bots, Pinterest bots, Facebook bots, you name it,"he said.