I work for a FTSE energy company and have just taken part in a leadership conference update call (called "One Big Gossip"), during which I counted no fewer than 90 pieces of management jargon used in an hour. The constant use of such phrases is creating a culture in which talking utter gibberish is the only way to demonstrate that you "see the bigger picture".
The managing director, who is one of the worst offenders, frequently asks for direct feedback on the nature of these calls. Do I stay quiet or speak up and risk career suicide?
Manager, male, 34
Lucy's answer
I've spent the past 20 years telling business people to cut out the jargon and in that time I have failed to persuade one single person to do so. If you tell your boss to talk more elegantly, I guarantee it won't make any difference to what comes out of his mouth but it may make a big difference to how he regards you. As a nuisance, a pedant or a person who prefers style to substance, for instance.
The problem with jargon is that though everyone complains that others talk it, no one will ever admit to speaking it themselves. So telling them to stop is hopeless as they don't think that they ever started.
There are lots of reasons why people start spouting this nonsense, all of them fairly insidious. It may be because they haven't worked out what exactly they want to say and talking twaddle masks this. Or because they think it makes them sound more important. Or because it is infectious and they've caught it from each other.
But in your case, where a lot of colleagues are all going at it hammer and tongs together, it is probably because they are signalling to each other that they belong to the same club. In that case, the problem isn't how they talk, but how you do. By refusing to step up to the plate and put your skin in the game, you are showing that you don't belong. I'm not suggesting that you desecrate your own vocabulary, but that you acknowledge that you are a foreigner, and try to turn that to your advantage.
In any case, I don't think the biggest problem with your boss is his jargon. It's the fact he wants to waste 90 minutes of everyone's time on a telephonic "One Big Gossip". This is two terrible ideas rolled into one: no gossip can ever take place in an official mass meeting. And to have such big conference calls is the best way to sap spirits and waste time simultaneously.
If you want to give more helpful feedback, can't you gently suggest canning the calls altogether? If no one was allowed to talk at all, this would have the excellent side effect that they wouldn't be able to use any of the 90 banned phrases.
If you think this too radical, at least you have found the ideal way of staying awake during these interminable calls: playing your own version of bullshit bingo.
Your advice
You can't win
Aldous Huxley said: "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad."
英国作家奥尔德斯•赫胥黎(Aldous Huxley)曾说:“你会知道真相,而真相会让你疯了。”
There is no way for you to succeed by being the only one speaking out. If you can't beat them, join them. Become the jargon expert. Add more to the lexicon. Keep adding. At some point, someone at the organisation will realise what utter nonsense it all is, or you will be king.
IT director, male, 43
Culture club
It is evident that the managing director has fostered this culture of using jargon, so to attack it directly might indeed be career-limiting. But do sift through the jargon to determine the real value of the call and the rather direct feedback on the issues raised, and whether they contributed to your understanding of the business strategy.
Female employee, 35
They're all thick
I had colleagues who finished their emails off with jargon phrases such as "passionate about growth", which were meant to indicate energy, enthusiasm and loyalty. Actually, all it indicates is a lack of intellectual rigour. To make it plain: the users are thick.
There is nothing you can do about that: they will always be thick. Using their limited intellectual ability to invent jargon means they have less time to spend on ruining the business. So leave it and be grateful.
Confusion reigns
Jargon and gibberish are not the same. Shared jargon is an efficient way to communicate. I suspect all FT readers know what we mean by blue-sky thinking, walking the talk and taking it offline.
行话跟胡扯不是一回事。大家都说行话,是一种高效率的沟通方式。我猜英国《金融时报》的读者们都知道这些说法:蓝天思考(blue-sky thinking,指不受现实条件约束的自由思考——译者注),走话(walking the talk,指履行说过的话——译者注),带下线(taking it offline,指会后再说——译者注)。
Gibberish is something else entirely. Many people are able to talk complete gibberish without using a word of jargon. It sounds as if it ought to make sense but it doesn't. If your boss is guilty of this then you have a big problem and one that is not likely to be corrected by pointing it out.
Why does my weakness matter?
I've just been asked in a job interview to name my greatest weakness. This is such a feeble clichéd question – but still it took me unawares. I hummed and hawed for a bit and then said something like: I really don't think I can give an impartial answer – why don't you ask my wife, I'm sure she'll be able to help you out. It was meant as a joke, but the temperature in the room plummeted. Needless to say I didn't get the job. But I'd like to know: why do people ask this stupid question? And what is the right answer to it?
Unemployed, male, 52