American pop star Lady Gaga has decided to cancel her Indonesian concert amid security concerns after some Islamic extremists threatened violence if she tried to perform in the Muslim-majority country.
出于安全上的考虑,美国流行天后Lady Gaga决定取消原定在印度尼西亚举行的演唱会。此前,一些伊斯兰极端分子曾以暴力活动相威胁,要求Lady Gaga放弃在印尼这个穆斯林人口占绝对多数的国家举办演出。
While the 'Born This Way Ball' concert scheduled for June 3 was already sold out of its 52,000 tickets, whether it would actually happen had been uncertain for nearly two weeks after local police refused to give the necessary permit for the concert. Police officials had originally said they were worried about potential violence and didn't approve of the pop star's message or outfits.
Associated Press周六在印尼雅加达的一家购物中心上,Lady Gaga的粉丝们准备进行一场快闪表演。尽管这场原定于6月3日举行的“生来如此舞会”(Born This Way Ball)已经卖出5.2万张门票,在当地警方拒绝为音乐会提供必要的许可之后,将近两周以来,人们都还不太确定音乐会是否会照常举行。警方起初表示,他们担心可能出现暴力活动,因此没有批准这位艺人的申请或是为其提供人员安排。
The police, who have to provide security and crowd control for big events, had seemed to be softening their stance in the past week, with some Indonesians believing the permits would eventually be approved if Lady Gaga agreed to tone down her performance. However, in the end it was the artist's side that decided it wasn't worth the risk.
有责任为大型活动提供安保和现场管理的警方过去一周似乎软化了立场,一些印尼人认为,如果Lady Gaga同意在演出时低调一些,最终就会得到批准。不过,Lady Gaga方面最终决定,不值得冒这次险。
'With threats if the concert goes ahead, Lady Gaga's side is calling off the concert,' Minola Sebayang, a lawyer for concert promoter Big Daddy, told the Associated Press on Sunday. 'This is not only about Lady Gaga's security, but extends to those who will be watching her.'
European Pressphoto Agency本月,Lady Gaga在到达泰国时与她的粉丝们打招呼。据美联社(the Associated Press)的报道,演唱会承办方Big Daddy的律师塞巴扬(Minola Sebayang)周日说,由于受到威胁,Lady Gaga方面正准备取消这次演唱会;这不仅关乎Lady Gaga的安全,演唱会的观众也会受到波及。
While the Southeast Asian nation of 240 million people has been largely moderate and secular through most of its history, a small and sometimes violent sliver of Muslim hardliners has at times sought to block events and shut down establishments they think clash with Islamic values. Some of the groups think Lady Gaga's skimpy clothing and suggestive dance moves and lyrics shouldn't be allowed in Indonesia, the world's biggest Muslim-majority nation.
尽管这个拥有2.4亿人口的东南亚国家在历史上大部分时间里很大程度上都是温和而且世俗的,但穆斯林强硬派中一小部分人士仍然会偶尔制造暴力活动,他们不时地试图阻挠和关闭他们认为与伊斯兰价值观相冲突的活动和机构。有些组织认为,Lady Gaga暴露的衣着以及充满性暗示的舞姿和歌词不应该被允许出现在印尼这个世界上穆斯林人口最多的国家。
While the fringe groups sometimes attempt to disrupt and even block smaller gatherings in Indonesia-- including the worship services of some Christian churches they accuse of trying to convert Muslims-- their victory in stopping the Lady Gaga concert could mark one of the first times they have been able to stare down a big Western star. In the past year, top names such as Justin Bieber, Katy Perry and Kylie Minogue have performed in Indonesia without incident.
周四,印尼的活动人士反对Lady Gaga在当地开唱。尽管这些极端群体时常试图扰乱甚至阻挠印尼的更小规模的集会,如一些基督教教堂的祷告活动(他们指责这些活动企图让穆斯林叛教),但是这一次成功阻止Lady Gaga的演唱会是他们第一次令一名西方明星让步。去年,贾斯汀•比伯(Justin Bieber)、凯蒂•佩里(Katy Perry)和凯莉•米洛(Kylie Minogue)等大牌明星都曾在印尼顺利举办演出。
Some groups protest regularly against what they see as negative Western influences in Indonesia and in support of new local laws and regulations restricting pornography, gambling, alcohol and other activities frowned upon by more religious residents.