双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第12章 Part 18
日期:2012-05-07 15:10


'My sister Florence!' cried Paul, 'looking up here, and waving her hand. She sees me - she sees me! Good-night, dear, good-night, good-night.
His quick transition to a state of unbounded pleasure, as he stood at his window, kissing and clapping his hands: and the way in which the light retreated from his features as she passed out of his view, and left a atient melancholy on the little face: were too remarkable wholly to escape even Toots's notice. Their interview being interrupted at this moment by a visit from Mrs Pipchin, who usually brought her black skirts to bear upon Paul just before dusk, once or twice a week, Toots had no opportunity of improving the occasion: but it left so marked an impression on his mind that he twice returned, after having exchanged the usual salutations, to ask Mrs Pipchin how she did. This the irascible old lady conceived to be a deeply devised and long-meditated insult, originating in the diabolical invention of the weak-eyed young man downstairs, against whom she accordingly lodged a formal complaint with Doctor Blimber that very night; who mentioned to the young man that if he ever did it again, he should be obliged to part with him.
The evenings being longer now, Paul stole up to his window every evening to look out for Florence. She always passed and repassed at a certain time, until she saw him; and their mutual recognition was a gleam of sunshine in Paul's daily life. Often after dark, one other figure walked alone before the Doctor's house. He rarely joined them on the Saturdays now. He could not bear it. He would rather come unrecognised, and look up at the windows where his son was qualifying for a man; and wait, and watch, and plan, and hope.
Oh! could he but have seen, or seen as others did, the slight spare boy above, watching the waves and clouds at twilight, with his earnest eyes, and breasting the window of his solitary cage when birds flew by, as if he would have emulated them, and soared away!
注释:impression n. 印象;效果,影响;压痕,印记;感想
impression of 有…样的印象;对…的印象
impression on 对…的印象
first impression 第一印象
give the impression 留下印象
under the impression 记得;在印象中
false impression 错觉;虚假印象
make an impression 让人眼前一亮;给人留下…的印象
general impression 整体印象
lasting impression 长久的印象;不可磨灭的印象
impression management 印象管理;印象操纵;印象整饰
impression cylinder 压印滚筒
(1) What's your impression of China so far?
(2) The whole incident left one indelible impression .
(3) But the main impression at the moment is of drift.
(4) You certainly don't want to leave a bad impression.
(5) This gives the impression that they have no identity.
(6) But the impression given was of little expense spared.
(7) The news which Peter brought seemed to make little impression .
(8) Yet the impression remains that the government is fighting a losing battle.
(9) Kosygin gave the impression of doing so on the basis of skillful calculation.

plan n. 计划;平面图 vt. 计划;设计;打算
vi. 计划;打算
[ 过去式planned 过去分词planned 现在分词planning ]
plan for 为……订计划
in plan 作为平面图
development plan 发展计划;开发计划
plan on vt. 打算,计划
tentative plan 设想;试验性计划
production plan 生产计划
action plan 行动计划;行动方案
business plan 商务计划
general plan 总体规划;总图
teaching plan 教学计划;教案
construction plan 施工计划;结构图
marketing plan 销售计划
master plan 总体规划;蓝图
overall plan 总体规划
control plan 控制计划;管制计划;规划大纲图
strategic plan 战略规划;战略性计划
project plan n. 项目规划;工程计划
management plan 管理计划
work plan 工作计划;工作面
training plan 培训计划;训练计划
(1) Plan to fulfill a secret wish.
(2) The plan might not succeed.
(3) She disapproved of my plan.
(4) He had to try a new plan.
(5) The stability plan still lacks detail.
(6) We must pull together to fulfill the plan.
(7) Tom disagreed with his friend about the plan.
(8)When workers retire, they can withdraw money from the plan.

  • irascibleadj. 易怒的,暴躁的
  • opportunityn. 机会,时机
  • skillfuladj. 熟练的,灵巧的
  • escapev. 逃跑,逃脱,避开 n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃避)方法、
  • melancholyn. 忧沉,悲哀,愁思 adj. 忧沉的,使人悲伤的,愁
  • indelibleadj. 不能擦除的,不能磨灭的,难忘的
  • insultvt. 侮辱,凌辱,辱骂 n. 侮辱,辱骂
  • transitionn. 过渡,转变
  • slightadj. 轻微的,微小的,纤细的,脆弱的 vt. 轻视,
  • conceivedv. 构思;设想(conceive的过去式)