Culture in Malaysia:
1. The country produce about 15 films per year, while the television drama market is a really big one, there are almost 300-400 television dramas pour into the country's TV Station.
1. 马来西亚几乎每年都出品15部电影,几百部电视剧 。
2. Never fight with Malaysians because they speak several languages including Malay, Cantonese, Mandarin, English,etc.
2. 永远不要和马来人吵架,马来西亚是真正的多语言国家,当地人说马来语,广东话,普通话,英语 。
3. polygyny:Sounds great for men, right? But if the husband want to marry another woman, his other wives should agree to his decision and the family's property should be distributed equally. Not so great as you expected, ha?
3. 一夫多妻:听着不错是吗?但男子领取新娘时,必须取得已有妻子的同意,并保证家庭财产平等分配 。
4. Body Language:
1)Remember never touch anyone on the top of the head, which is considered as the home of the soul, and avoid touching any one of the opposite sex.
2)Use right hands to pass things because it is considered as the clean one.
3)Smile means lots of things,including surprise and anger.
4)Hands in pocket signify anger.
5)Hold the spoon in right hand and fork in left hand, push your food onto the spoon with the fork and eat from the spoon, when finished, put the spoon and fork on your
4. 身体语言:
1)不要碰别人的头,因为那是灵魂所在,避免与异性身体接触 。
2)用右手递东西,因为马来人认为右手更为洁净 。
3)马来人的笑容不仅仅表示高兴,还可能表示惊讶和愤怒 。
4)双手插兜表示生气 。
5)右手拿勺左手持叉,用叉子将食物放到右手的勺子送入口中 。吃完了,将叉子和勺子放到盘子上 。
Twin Tower
It was the tallest building before Taipei101 took over.
曾经的最高建筑物 。
The Biggest flower in the world—Rafflesia
Rafflesia is about 60 centimetres in diameter and was found in the rain forest. Be careful, very stinky!
大花草属直径达60厘米,带有特殊气味,生长在热带雨林中 。
City of Milliners: Ipoh
The third biggest city in the country. According to a net friend, the city has lots of beautiful girls,too.
马来西亚第三大城市,据说有很多美眉哦 。
Impressive Animals
Longest cobra(眼镜蛇)in the world
Our fans in Microblog also sent as a picture of a very special monkey in Malaysia. Take a look!
Monyet belanda ("Dutch monkey")
The Longest Cave in South Asia —Clear Water Cave
最深的洞穴 。
White Coffee
In Malaysia, the original white coffee started in the town of Ipoh, referring to a drink made from coffee beans roasted in margarine, brewed and served with sweetened condensed milk in a cream-color form. An example is Chang Jiang White Coffee, or SYL White Coffee. Local coffee manufacturers subsequently mix instant coffee powder with non-dairy creamer or whitener and sugar together, and market the 3-in-1 mixture as White Coffee as well.
最早的牛奶咖啡起源于马来西亚的怡保市,是由黄油烘烤的咖啡豆冲泡带甜味的浓缩牛奶,比如Chang jiang,SYL都是经典的牛奶咖啡 。后来人们将速溶的咖啡粉和奶精,糖以3:1的比例混合,制成牛奶咖啡 。
Food in Malaysia: Soft-shell crab, Chocolate
Malaysia is one of the biggest coco exporting country in the world, so you can taste chocolate with various flavor, like Durian, Mango and even chilli!
马来西亚是世界上最大的可可出口国,这里的可可有多种口味,榴莲味,芒果味,甚至是辣椒味 。
Travel in Malaysia:
Best Season: February to April is a highly recommended period since it is during a low season, and you would spend much less money if you choose to travel at that time.
Tourist Attractions: Mangrove, Islands
Malaysia has over 200 islands. Redang Island is one of the most popular place to go.
马来西亚的旅游最佳时节是二月到四月,这是马来的旅游淡季,价格划算 。马来西亚最迷人的莫过于红树林,小岛 。马来西亚有超过200个岛屿,热浪岛是其中最有名的岛屿之一 。
Shopping: Good news for girls, go Malaysia in July or August and enjoy the shopping carnival there.
马来西亚最吸引人的还有它的购物中心,7,8月的购物季是女孩子们的天堂 。
Business in Malaysia: Most important thing is Patience.
Decisions are made slowly, probably they would involve you in polite conversation for a lengthy period before getting down to business, and the discussion will be long and detailed. Once the agreement is made, don't be surprised if counterpart trying to renegotiate, so personal trust is also very important.
Show respect to people and never smoke around kids,elderly,royal family members and your business partners. Malaysians are religious, and they believe that the success is determined by fate and god. Remember this in business.
和马来西亚人做生意最需要的就是耐心 。马来人在做决定之前需要长时间的考虑,生意双方要长时间地嘘寒问暖最后才进入正题,讨论的时间很长,讨论的细节很具体 。一旦交易成功,马来人也有可能找你复谈,所以人际间的信任就变得尤为重要 。
此外,在马来西亚还要注意尊重马来人的习惯和信仰,不要在孩子,老人,皇室成员和生意伙伴面前吸烟 。马来人相信成功天注定 。
注:本篇文章英文来自CRIenglish.com,译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,请勿转载 。