Everyone wants a piece of Jeremy Lin. From Linsanity to Lin-credible then Va-Lin-tine, news headlines have been trying to find wordplays to match the new sensation on the NBA court with his meteoric shoot to stardom.
However, "A Chink in the Armor", a news headline that blamed Lin for his team's loss of a game, is obviously a turnoff which threw a PR disaster at ESPN, one of world's major sports network. It also cost an editor his job. The charge is racism.
The case again reminds Americans that while the First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech, a wrong choice of word might ignite a bomb.
It's also a warning to people outside the country who engage in international communications.
Put aside the context, the phrase "Chink in the armor" means the weak point in a supposedly strong defense. It is somewhat similar to "a fly in the ointment".
The phrase is often deployed in sports writing to describe a player's weakness which affects the whole team.
But the word is also a racial slur against Chinese people.
With Lin's Chinese heritage, the "Chink in the armor" was soon bombarded for its racial implication. To quiet public fury, ESPN issued an apology: "We regret and apologize for this mistake."
Political correctness
Racist comment is taboo. But there are many more minefields that people try to avoid in daily life to avoid public offense.
Former Harvard president Lawrence Summers in 2005 explained why there were fewer female scientists in elite universities. He put it down to different innate ability between men and women.
This caused a furor. Summers issued an apology: "I was wrong to have spoken in a way that has resulted in an unintended signal of discouragement to talented girls and women."
Interpretations of history can cause offense. A French politician was sentenced to jail recently for remarks about the Nazi occupation of France.
His remarks were considered "politically incorrect".
In the book A Short History of Political Correctness, Ruth Perry explains that in order to cause minimum offense to race, gender, age, profession, religion, culture, disability and so on, political correctness, as an umbrella, functions as a social consensus on language, policy, behavior and other ideas to ensure no social group suffers from discrimination.
Thus any ignite violation of social taboos and political correctness could cause damage.
"We live in a culture in which a breach of political correctness is criminal," said Leo Schwartz in the Columbia Daily Spectator last week.
Don't joke about bombs: A new taboo due to the US' war on terrorism. Remember Chandler Bing in Friends? He is detained for a joke. In real life, the consequences could be far worse.
Nigger: A taboo and very offensive word to call a black person. Although black brothers call each other nigger, you can't.