昨天是三八国际妇女节,女同胞们是不是都放假出去庆祝啦?如果你还坚守在工作岗位,也请你不要沮丧,因为这说明女性的力量越来越强大,没有了女性,男同胞们是玩不转这个世界的。女同胞们散发出的她力量(she-power),你感觉到了吗?图为she-power的典型代表The Iron Lady铁娘子。
She-power is the power of females that should not be neglected in any field of society, which may include the basic power of females, the integrated power of females and males, and the incidental power that males get from females. She-power is having a greater influence on the economy, culture and society as the social status, education background and consuming capacity of females have grown in recent years.
According to statistics from a survey in 2006, one in three mid- to high-level enterprise managers is female, and one in four women holds a college diploma. Women are also playing an increasingly important role in the decision-making process concerning house purchasing. In addition, more women are joining hi-tech and auto industries, where men are considered the dominant power, and displaying outstanding competence.