双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第9章 Part 9
日期:2012-02-17 11:37


'Wal'r,' said the Captain, with a timid wink, 'go afore, my lad. Sing out, "good-bye, Captain Cuttle," when you're in the passage, and shut the door. Then wait at the corner of the street 'till you see me.
These directions were not issued without a previous knowledge of the enemy's tactics, for when Walter got downstairs, Mrs MacStinger glided out of the little back kitchen, like an avenging spirit. But not gliding out upon the Captain, as she had expected, she merely made a further allusion to the knocker, and glided in again.
Some five minutes elapsed before Captain Cuttle could summon courage to attempt his escape; for Walter waited so long at the street corner, looking back at the house, before there were any symptoms of the hard glazed hat. At length the Captain burst out of the door with the suddenness of an explosion, and coming towards him at a great pace, and never once looking over his shoulder, pretended, as soon as they were well out of the street, to whistle a tune.
'Uncle much hove down, Wal'r?' inquired the Captain, as they were walking along.
'I am afraid so. If you had seen him this morning, you would never have forgotten it.'
'Walk fast, Wal'r, my lad,' returned the Captain, mending his pace; 'and walk the same all the days of your life. Overhaul the catechism for that advice, and keep it!'
The Captain was too busy with his own thoughts of Solomon Gills, mingled perhaps with some reflections on his late escape from Mrs MacStinger, to offer any further quotations on the way for Walter's moral improvement They interchanged no other word until they arrived at old Sol's door, where the unfortunate wooden Midshipman, with his instrument at his eye, seemed to be surveying the whole horizon in search of some friend to help him out of his difficulty.
'Gills!' said the Captain, hurrying into the back parlour, and taking him by the hand quite tenderly. 'Lay your head well to the wind, and we'll fight through it. All you've got to do,' said the Captain, with the solemnity of a man who was delivering himself of one of the most precious practical tenets ever discovered by human wisdom, 'is to lay your head well to the wind, and we'll fight through it!'
Old Sol returned the pressure of his hand, and thanked him.
Captain Cuttle, then, with a gravity suitable to the nature of the occasion, put down upon the table the two tea-spoons and the sugar-tongs, the silver watch, and the ready money; and asked Mr Brogley, the broker, what the damage was.
注释summon vt. 召唤;召集;鼓起;振作
summon up 鼓起,唤起;振作

(1) To summon before a court of law.
(2) You summon no energy and purpose.
(3) Summon the police quickly!
(4) Summon ye me by the Key that ye hold.
(5) You can only Summon 1 monster per turn.
(6) A man brags that he can summon the dead.
(7) Is person of the civilized, forever summon!
(8) I also can not help but to summon the palm!

damage vi. 损害;损毁;赔偿金
n. 损害;损毁
vt. 损害,毁坏
[ 过去式damaged 过去分词damaged 现在分词damaging ]

serious damage 严重损害;严重损坏
brain damage 脑损伤
formation damage 地层损害,油层损害;生产层损坏
fatigue damage 疲劳损伤;疲劳损坏
structural damage 结构损伤
environmental damage 环境损害;破坏环境
damage mechanics 损伤力学
liver damage 肝损伤
property damage 财产损失;财产损害
cause damage to 对…造成损坏,带来损害
damage threshold 损伤阈值,损坏阈
fire damage 火灾损失
water damage 水渍
damage assessment 损坏情况估计
earthquake damage 地震破坏;地震损害
physical damage 有形损坏;物理性损坏;机械损坏
tissue damage 组织损伤
mechanical damage 机械损伤;硬伤
damage control 损害控制;破坏性控制
permanent damage 永久损伤
(1) Use a sharp knife to avoid damage.
(2) You can see the damage for yourself.
(3) The damage to the club can be severe.
(4) In some cases the damage is more direct.
(5) But big tax increases can do economic damage.
(6) There were no immediate reports of further damage.
(7) They also damage electrical equipment and machinery.
(8) They ruin crops, damage soil and get into animal feed.

  • timidadj. 胆怯的,害羞的
  • tunen. 曲调,调子,和谐,协调,调整 vt. 调整,为 .
  • solemnityn. 庄严,庄重的仪式
  • severeadj. 剧烈的,严重的,严峻的,严厉的,严格的
  • merelyadv. 仅仅,只不过
  • improvementn. 改进,改善
  • allusionn. 暗指,暗示
  • gravityn. 重力,严重,庄重,严肃
  • assessmentn. 估价,评估
  • earthquaken. 地震