1. Ex-tract! Remove ex-everythings from your space.
Move forward by not actually being able to go backward: Hide your ex on chat, delete his phone number, defriend him on Facebook and unfollow his Twitter. And we're not just talking about ex-boyfriends-this includes ex-hookups, ex-booty calls, ex-FWBs and any other Bad News Dudes.
2. Rethink your type-especially if you keep dating the same kind of guy.
"Write down all the traits of the type of person you have liked, are attracted to or have dated, and whittle it down to 10 qualities," says Whitney Casey, author of The Man Plan. When picking guys in the new year, you can keep three of those 10 qualities-for the other seven, go for different types of traits. "Any time you're on a date and you notice that there are more than three common traits from your list, you don't give it another date. Stop right there."
写下你喜欢过、被吸引过以及约会过的男人的所有特质,把它们精简为十条品质,The Man Plan的作者惠特尼·凯西说。在新的一年挑选男友的时候,你可以保留那十条品质中的三条,对于另外七条,选择不同类型的特质。如果约会的时候,注意到从你的清单上可以找到超过三条的共同特性时,那么不要再跟这个人约会了,就此打住吧。
3. Start a brand-new online dating profile...or finally sign up for one.
Rewrite your online dating profile from scratch; working with a blank page will get you thinking about what you really want. Then keep it updated, often—Casey, also Match.com's relationships expert, says to keep it active, like your Facebook profile. "You change your résumé for every job—so you should be changing your online profile picture to show you on a recent ski trip, or talk about the newest movie you've seen. You need to be putting things out there that people will respond to, not just 'Looking for someone with great eyes.'"
4.Put "our ___" in a whole new context.
Give places and things you associate with past relationships a new meaning. Have a girls' night at the restaurant that reminds you of an ex, hold an impromptu dance party to "our song" or curl up with a date to that movie you thought you could never watch again.
5.Learn to be happy on your own.
Before you start rolling your eyes and saying, "Cheesy!" just listen to what Michelle, 27, of San Diego, says: "You're much less likely to settle for someone who isn't amazing if you know how to have fun without a guy. The very day I told my friend I was not interested in relationships and 'I just want to have fun with my friends' was the day I met my boyfriend."
6.Not good at seeing who's good for you? Then stop trying...
...and let a friend do it for you. Casey says pick a close friend and put her in charge of finding guys—any other guy you meet automatically goes in the friend zone. "You'll only go on dates with someone she sets you up with," Casey says. Not only does this help you date better men, you'll also end up acting more genuinely around other guys you meet when the should-I-date-him pressure's off.
……让一位朋友帮你做这件事。凯西说,选择一位密友,让她负责给你找对象——你见的任何男人都自动过一遍这位朋友的法眼。你只跟她为你安排的人约会, 凯西说。这不仅会帮助你与更好的男人约会,并且因为甩掉了我是否应该跟他约会的压力,你最终会在遇见其他男人时更自然地表现自己。
7.Feel shiny "n" new.
Change something—anything! Wear glasses? Try contacts. Addicted to your flatiron? Go au naturel. Never worn orange? Hello, tangerine dress! Whatever you do—no matter how big or small—should make you feel renewed and different and boost your confidence.
8.Reroute your routine.
Instead of sticking to all your usual haunts, go out of your way to try a new bar, new café or new club. Been there, done that? Bookmark sites like Metromix and Thrillist for local event listings, and get googling to find hyper-local blogs with more opportunities you'd never thought of to meet people.
9.Work on yourself.
Bring your "me" time back to the top of your priority list. Set personal goals (separate from your New Year's resolutions!) and stick to 'em. Whether you're focusing on toning your abs or taking new risks with your hairstyles, as 27-year-old New Yorker Sara says, "There is nothing more gratifying than running into him later and having him say, 'Wow, you look great.'"
将你自己的时间放回到你的优先名单的最前面。设定自己的目标(与你的新年目标分开),坚持去做。不论你是专心锻炼腹肌还是冒险尝试新发型,正如纽约27岁的萨拉所说,没有什么比后来偶然遇到他,听他说‘哇,你看起来棒极了’ 更令人可喜的了。
10.Remember: You broke up for a reason.
If you find yourself ruminating on the past, focus on the crappy stuff. "Any time I started slipping into 'oh-I-miss-him-I'm-so-sad' mode, I'd remind myself of everything that annoyed me about him—sometimes I even wrote down a list," says Jessica, 25, from Atlanta.
如果你发现自己反复思考过去,那么就把精力放在一些糟糕的事情上。每当我开始陷入‘哦我想他我好难过’ 的情绪中,我就会提醒自己所有让我讨厌他的事情,有时我甚至把它写成一个清单,来自亚特兰大25岁的杰西卡说。