Insecticide ad
With this being one of the funniest animal ads provided by "SBP Insect killer", there will be no more insects, and frogs will be left jobless! Poor little frogs!
Dog leash Ad
This cat's face makes one of the funniest animal ads! If you wanna have a good grasp of your dog in case you bump into this sort of thing while you're walking it, then you should probably consider this "extra tear proof dogsleash" by Flexi!
Dog's Bad breath Ad
If your dog's breath is really the kind that will kill just about anything that's alive, perhaps you should consider this product by Dentastix !
Good Food or Revenge Ad
"Officials… you're wasting your time here. I didn't kill anybody. I'm innocent" If you don't feed your dog the way you're supposed to… this could be the result! Don't EVER underestimate a dog's appetite! "Bad Food. BAD dog!" by Nutribalance. One of the funniest animal ads, don't you agree?
。如果你不好好喂养你的狗狗的话,可能就会落得这样的下场!永远不要低估狗狗狗的胃口!有糟糕的食物,才会有坏的狗狗! 。这则广告来自Nutribalance公司,是最搞笑的广告之一 。Speed Ad
This dogs' rolled up tongue just goes to show you how fast this car can speed up. One of the funniest animal ads for sure!
。Peanuts Ad
So delicious that even elephants choke on them! Try these peanuts and let us know if they're really that good! Hope this elephant knows some CPR!