1. Check the going rate.
What are other people being paid for similar positions? Do some research on the current compensation structure for your position before considering how much to ask for. This information can be useful when you bring it up with your boss. The information you find on related salaries will vary, depending on location, level, and company size / structure, but it should give you a general idea of the market-competitive compensation in your area.
2. Factor in your experience.
Consider your experience and training when asking for a raise. They both increase your value as an employee, so make sure you point this out.
3. Look at your overall compensation package.
Your approach to asking for a raise will depend on how you are being paid. In some positions, you may make only a base salary, while others will pay commissions or bonuses. If your package weighs heavily on commissions and performance-based bonuses, the conversation will be centered around your personal performance.
4. Be ready to show your accomplishments.
When it comes to convincing your boss that you deserve a raise, you need to be specific. You should be well aware of what you've accomplished for the company, clients you've landed, and your contributions and increases in responsibility.
5. Consider your tenure with your employer.
If you've been with a company less than a year, it is probably too soon. Employers typically give formal reviews on an annual, bi-annual, or quarterly basis. If you recently started a position, you may have a 90-day formal review. If you took the position at a lower salary than what you had hoped (and your employer knows this), you could plan to have a conversation at this point to review your progress. Otherwise, a general rule is to be with your company for a year.
6. Analyze the timing for the business.
Do you have a new boss? Have there been any major shake-ups? Is the company struggling and cutting costs? If so, you may want to wait until the changes settle and the company is in a position to look at an increase.