Pulling An All-Nighter
The only way for Santa to get the job done is to stay up all night on December 24 — and that can lead to some serious health concerns. Sleep loss has a cumulative effect, and Santa has been working hard, likely cutting back on sleep, for the entire month preceding Christmas. As people lose sleep, they have problems responding quickly to specific objects.
That Heavy Sack Of Presents
You should never carry something that weighs more than 10 percent of your body weight, especially when one shoulder is taking on most of the burden. In fact, doing so can cause back strains and sprains, muscle pulls, back spasms, difficulty walking and tingling and numbness down the arms and legs.
Excess Weight
The health risks linked to obesity are well-known, including, among others, Type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, certain types of cancer and osteoarthritis. And belly fat, in particular, can cause serious health problems, especially among men. Belly fat can increase risk for insulin resistance, high triglycerides, heart disease and metabolic syndrome, among other problems — most increased risk happens with a waist size over 40 inches.
肥胖的安全隐患众所周知,包括II型糖尿病,冠心病,中风, 高血压,部分癌症和骨关节炎。腹部肥胖,尤其是男性,会引发严重的健康问题。腹部肥胖会增加胰岛素抵抗力下降的风险,引发高血脂,心脏病和代谢综合症。这些健康问题在腰围超过40英寸(2尺95,98厘米)的人中尤其多发。
A Vitamin D Deficiency
Living with the short days in the North Pole, not to mention working the night shift in December, can cause a serious deficiency of Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, which has been linked to several health problems. Santa should aim to take a supplement that provides 1,000 IU of the nutrient. In addition, he should consider increasing his consumption of Vitamin D-rich foods, such as salmon or fortified milk.
Shift Work
Santa's not alone here, more than 8 million Americans perform shift work, which has been linked with serious health problems, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, ulcers and depression, among others.
stay up 熬夜
shift work 倒班