We all know about the major statistics — thousands of people die from things like cancer, accidents, or other illnesses every day. But did you knowthat enough people die from falling out of bed or getting a snack out of a vending machine that these things qualify as death statistics?
。但我们不知道的是,还有很多人死于一些意想不到的事情,比如从床上掉下来,被自动贩卖机砸死 。你了解这些数据吗?Texting while driving kills 6,000 annually in the U.S. alone
A study by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) reports that a driver's risk of collision is 23 times greater when they are texting.
。Hippos kill 2,900 people annually in Africa
Many experts believe that the Hippopotamus is the most dangerous animal in all of Africa. Weighing up to 8,000 pounds, a Hippo can gallop 18 mph and have been known to upset boats for no reason and bite the passengers with their huge, sharp teeth. Not only that, but Hippos are aggressive, unpredictable and have no fear of humans. People die most often when they get between a hippo and deep water or between a mother and her calf.
。它体重8,000英镑,奔跑可达到每小时18英里,它的牙齿巨大锋利,而且曾有过河马无故掀翻船只,袭击人类的事件发生 。不仅如此,河马还是一种具有侵略性的动物,对人类完全无惧 。人类死于河马之口的最多情况是,人挡住了河马回到深水的路,或是夹在了河马妈妈和河马宝宝的中间 。Autoerotic Asphyxiation Kills 600 people annually
Autoerotic asphyxiation is the act of strangling or suffocating yourself to heighten sexual arousal and orgasm. Depriving the brain of oxygen gives a person a dizzy, high feeling, however it's all too easy to make a mistake and accidentally kill yourself while practicing this dangerous sex act. Just ask the 600 people per year who die while masturbating. Oh wait, you can't ask them... because they're dead.
。脑缺氧会造成晕眩,兴奋感,但这也很危险,问问这600人就知道了,等等,你恐怕问不到了 。Falling out of bed kills 450 people annually in the U.S.
According to the Center for Disease Control, falling out of bed accounts for 1.8 million emergency room visits and over 400 thousand hospital admissions each year. The very young and the very old are most at risk, and with decreased stability as we age, people over the age of 65 tend to fare the worst when falling.
。Icicles kill 100 people per year in Russia
Each year dozens are killed when sharp icicles fall from snowy rooftops and land on hapless victims on the sidewalks below.