日期:2011-11-08 13:02


Australian John Allwood smashed 40 watermelons with his head in just one minute.
澳大利亚人John Allwood在一份钟之内用头砸碎了40个西瓜。

Using only one hand, Germany's Thomas Vogel unfastened 56 bras in 60 seconds.
德国人Thomas Vogel用一只手在60秒内解开了56个胸罩。

When it comes to the world's weirdest achievers, nothing beats the ultimate accolade — a place in Guinness World Records for demonstrating bizarre skills.

Can you catch 77 grapes in your mouth in under a minute? Then Guinness has a spot for you. The annual compendium, whose latest edition is published on Friday, even has a section entitled Trivial Pursuits.
你能在一分钟内在放进嘴里77颗葡萄吗?如果能,你就可以在吉尼斯世界纪录里占有一席之地了。在周五最新发布的年记录里甚至还包含了一个叫“Trivial Pursuits”部分。

Italian Michele Santana wins an entry for typing 57 books backwards.
意大利人Michele Santana文字录用57本书而进入纪录。

Indian yoga instructor G.P Vijayakumar snorted eight fish up through his mouth and out of his nostrils in a minute.
印度的瑜伽教练G.P Vijayakumar在一分钟内从嘴里吸入了8条小鱼,然后从鼻子里将小鱼喷出。

American Jackie Bibby shared his bath with 75 live western diamondback rattlesnakes.
美国人Jackie Bibby和75条菱形斑纹响尾蛇一起洗澡。

China's Wei Shengchu gains notoriety for most acupuncture needles in the head and face.

Michel Lotito claimed the weirdest diet -- over the years he consumed 128 bicycles and 15 supermarket trolleys which he washed down with six chandeliers, two beds and a pair of skis.
Michel Lotito成为了吃东西最奇怪的人,这些年,他一共他吃下了128辆自行车、15辆超市手推车、6盏装饰灯、两张床和一对滑雪橇。

Natasha Veruschka won Guinness immortality by swallowing 13 swords in Pennsylvania.
宾西法尼亚的Natasha Veruschka因吞下13只剑被记录在吉尼斯纪录里。

Few could equal the bizarre feat of China's Dong Changsheng -- he pulled a 1.5 tonne car using ropes hooked onto his lower eyelids.

In the mass participation category, 3,541 Philippine women in Manila shared the record for the most women ever to have breastfed their babies simultaneously.

The top prize for survival has to go to American park ranger Roy C.Sullivan -- he was struck by lightning seven times. Each strike took its toll -- he lost eyebrows and a toe nail as well as suffering singed hair and chest burns. He died in 1993 -- not killed by lightning but by his own hand after reportedly being rejected in love.

accolade 赞美,嘉奖,表扬

compendium 摘要,概略

snort 喷响鼻子

diamondback 有菱形斑纹的

rattlesnakes 响尾蛇

notoriety 出名,有名

acupuncture 针灸

chandelier 吊灯

ski 滑雪板

park ranger 森林/公园护林员

  • ultimaten. 终极,根本,精华 adj. 终极的,根本的,极限的
  • entitledadj. 有资格的,已被命名的 动词entitle的过去
  • survivaln. 生存,幸存者
  • accoladen. 赞美,表扬,推崇,武士爵位的授与
  • rangern. 守林人,骑警,突击队员
  • notorietyn. 臭名昭著,恶名,声名狼籍
  • massn. 块,大量,众多 adj. 群众的,大规模的 v.
  • entryn. 进入,入口,登记,条目
  • compendiumn. 简要,概略,提纲
  • trivialadj. 琐碎的,不重要的