日期:2011-10-26 17:09


Hi friends, Lets face it, we all have bad hair days. When your hair doesn't go the way you want it sometimes, the weather I believe plays a lot with the moods.
Lets go a little deeper. The people you are around on the streets, community, friends.They too can get a little cranky as well. Or you feel a little different.. such your mood, you twitch, you stutter, you rash easily, your skin is not normal, your body is not normal,you just seem out of place and you don't know why.
There is a name for it, but you don't know it.
You need to talk to someone, but who?
Well, that's easy, really.
1. Who do you trust, family member, friend. And, start talking,
2. Write a journey, ask your family to go with you to your family Doctor.
3. Know you are not alone.
4. Doing a lot of observing on yourself and ask others what they think.
5. Do alot of research. Realizing you are beautiful and smart. Changing your lifestyle and adjusting some things here and there can help with some of what you are seeingdepending on the what it is.
6. Also, knowing about your family history, if there has been any family related difference such as bi-polar, etc in the family.
7. And example with how you are feeling or your body or mind symptoms. Realizing its a family body chemistry thing. Past down to you.
8. Also, realizing there are treatment options, help with your situation, cosmetics if necessary.
And, you are never alone.. friends, family And, support groups.

1. 找你信任的家庭成员,朋友,和这些认谈谈心吧。
2. 写下一段旅程,问问你的家人,和你一起去看你的家庭医生。
3. 知道你并不是孤单一人。
4. 大量的观察自己,问问别人是怎么想的。
5. 大量的研究揣摩自己,意识到自己的聪明漂亮。改变生活方式并调整周围。
6. 同时, 如果已经有相关的比如双极等等家庭差异,了解你的家庭历史。
7. 你是如何感觉你的身体及精神症状,认识到自己是家庭的一员。
8. 同时,为了帮助你的处境有选择性的对待,如果

  • crankyadj. 怪癖的,不稳的
  • communityn. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落
  • rashadj. 鲁莽的 n. 疹子,大量
  • smartadj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的
  • stutterv. 口吃,结巴着说话 n. 口吃,说话结巴
  • relatedadj. 相关的,有亲属关系的