A vestal moth. The recent heatwave has seen hundreds of rare moths arriving in the UK, in what experts are describing as the best migration for the insects in years. Photograph: Butterfly Conservation/PA
一只修女蛾(Vestal Moth)。最近的一波热浪让成百上千珍稀蛾类出现在英国,专家称此为近年来最棒的一次昆虫迁徙。图片:蝴蝶保育(组织)/邮编区(译者注:Postcode Area,位于苏格兰境内)
The recent heatwave has seen hundreds of rare moths arriving in the UK, in what experts are describing as the best migration for the insects in years.
A variety of species, many of which are usually found in the Mediterranean, have turned up in the UK and Ireland as a result of the warm weather and southerly winds, Butterfly Conservation said.
The rare flame brocade moth, Trigonophora flammea, normally found in Spain and France, has been seen in its highest numbers for 130 years.
通常会在西班牙和法国被发现的、稀有的烈焰锦纹蛾(Flame Brocade Moth),三角烈焰蛾(Trigonophora Flammea)(此次)被发现的数量是130年内的最高值。
Unusually large numbers of the moth, which usually only turns up in single figures in the UK in autumn, recorded at a site in Sussex have led experts to conclude that there could be a colony in the county. Over 20 have been seen per night.
In light of the array of species turning up in the UK, Butterfly Conservation is describing this autumn as the best immigration season for more than five years.
The death's-head hawk-moth, made famous by the Silence Of The Lambs film, has turned up at the RSPB's Arne nature reserve in Dorset, as well as in Plymouth.
因影片《沉默的羔羊》而名声大噪的茄天蛾(Death's-Head Hawk-Moth)曾在位于多塞特郡的皇家鸟类保护协会的阿恩自然保护区出现,普利茅斯也有它们的身影。
Large numbers of vestal moths and a few crimson speckled moths, both normally resident in the Mediterranean, have been seen on the south-west and south-east coasts and in Gwynedd.
通常出现在地中海地区的大量修女蛾(Vestal Moth)和少量鸡冠斑点蛾(Crimson Speckled Moth)在圭内斯郡西南部及东南海岸被发现。
More than 20 of an extremely rare tropical species which does not even have an English name, the Spoladea recurvalis moth, have been recorded in Sussex, Dorset, Cornwall, Cumbria and the Isle of Man - and in Ireland for the first time.
Mark Parsons, Butterfly Conservation's head of moth conservation, said: "In the last 10 days, we've had a prolonged period of warm weather with southerly winds which have brought things up.
"Autumn is usually a good time for immigrant species, but it's the sheer number and diversity this year that's special."
The large numbers of the flame brocade moth, which was resident in Sussex for at least half a century from around the mid 1800s but a scarce visitor since then, could be particularly significant.
"This moth appears to have been making an attempt to recolonise these shores, possibly as a result of more favourable overall weather conditions through climate change," Parsons said.
The discovery of large numbers of the purple-brown flame brocades was first made by Butterfly Conservation officer for Sussex Michael Blencowe and his friend Graeme Lyons when a moth turned up in a back garden at the weekend.
Blencowe said: "I'd never seen one of these moths before so I grabbed my net and went off to find out if there were any others about at a suitable site nearby.
"I saw 10 that night and there have been recordings of 20 or more there every night since."
Despite high numbers of foreign species, Butterfly Conservation warned it had been a relatively poor year for some of the UK's rare native moths which have struggled in the face of a record-breaking dry spring.