Video games are getting bigger and bigger every year. With the mass production of "crap-ware" coming out, there are still a few games released that really change how people game. Whether its a serious game, or more casual, these games really made an impact on the video game industry.
1. Super Mario Bros 超级玛丽
Any disputes here? This game from Nintendo started gaming. I know there was the atari and other systems prior to, but Mario made all games what they are today.
2. World of Warcraft 魔兽世界
It's hard to not put this game as number 1. With over 10 million players currently, and growing, it's easy to see how this game impacted gaming. People who don't play games at all play WOW.
很难不把这个游戏排第一位。因为目前它有着超过10万的玩家 ,并且越来越多,很轻易就看到这个游戏是如何影响游娱乐业的 。即使那些不玩游戏的人们,也都会去玩魔兽。
3. Legend of Zelda 塞尔达传说
This one is a no brainer. The mix between RPG, hack and slash, and action/ adventure made this game a big hit from its first day of release. Nintendo struck gold with this one, and it is still a major series of the Nintendo platforms today.
这款游戏想都不用去想,从它发布的第一天起,就火的不得了。它融合了角色扮演,激烈的战争,惊险的动作与冒险。这会任天堂可大大地赚了一笔,直到今天它仍然是任天堂平台上的主要游戏 。
4. Farmville 法姆维尔
Anyone who has Facebook either plays this game, or knows 5 people who do.
5. Tetris 俄罗斯方块
Casual, yet so addictive! This game is the first thing to come to mind when you think of a portable game. How many of you kids out there have a mom that does not play games, but will play tetris?
6. Halo 最后一战
Microsoft can really thank this series for the huge success of XBox live.
微软真的应该好好感谢这款游戏,它使得Xbox Live(多用户在线对战平台)取得了巨大的成功。
7. Grand theft Auto III 侠盗车手III
Mothers around the world hated this game. Its a sandbox game that allowed you to do, literally, anything. The game really got heated after the release of "San Andreas" , particularly because of the "hot coffee mod".
世界各地的母亲都讨厌这个游戏 。从表面上看,这个小游戏可以让你做任何事情。特别是“圣·安德烈亚斯”的解放,更加使这个游戏变成热门游戏,当中会有一些火爆的场景。
Anyone who had a Playstation in the mid-90's knows about this one. You can even call it the flagship game of the first generation Playstation. Anyone who plays RPG's (role playing game) has a special appreciation for this game.
在90年代中期的玩家只要玩过角色扮演游戏,他们就会知道“最终幻想VII”。你甚至可以把它看做角色扮演游戏中的领头羊。 只要玩过这款游戏的人都会特别的赞赏这部游戏。
The RTS (real time strategy) video game genre has been defined by this game. With its very high paced gameplay and a massive online fanbase, its hard to dispute the impact of Starcraft on the gaming industry.
This Sony made MMO (massively multiplayer online) was the first of its kind, and really defined how MMO's are played today.