Why is good posture important? 为什么姿势正确很重要?
When it comes to posture, your mother did know best. Her frequent reminders to stand up straight and stop slouching were good advice.
Your spine is strong and stable when you practice healthy posture. But when you stoop or slouch, your muscles and ligaments struggle to keep you balanced — which can lead to fatigue, back pain, headaches and other problems.
Your spine's curves脊柱的生理弯曲
A healthy back has three natural curves: 健康的后背有三个生理弯曲:
An inward or forward curve at the neck (cervical curve) 颈部向内或向前的弯曲(颈曲)
An outward or backward curve at the upper back (thoracic curve) 后背上部向外或向后的弯曲(胸曲)
An inward curve at the lower back (lumbar curve) 后背下部向内的弯曲(腰曲)
Good posture helps maintain these natural curves, while poor posture does the opposite — which can stress or pull muscles and cause pain.
Good standing posture 正确的站姿
When standing, keep these tips in mind: 在站立时,记住以下几点:
Hold your chest high. 挺起胸部。
Keep your shoulders back and relaxed. 保持双肩向后并放松。
Pull in your abdomen and buttocks. 收腹提臀。
Keep your feet parallel. 保持双脚平行。
Balance your weight evenly on both feet. 双脚均匀承重。
Try not to tilt your head forward, backward or sideways, and make sure your knees are relaxed — not locked.
Take the wall test 做墙壁测试(做靠墙测试)
To test your standing posture, take the wall test. Stand with your head, shoulder blades and buttocks touching a wall, and your heels about two to four inches (five to 10 centimeters) away from the wall. Reach back and slide your hand behind the curve in your lower back, with your palm flat against the wall.
Ideally, you'll feel about one hand's thickness of space between your back and the wall. If there's too much space, tighten your abdominal muscles to flatten the curve in your back. If there's too little space, arch your back so that your hand fits comfortably behind you. Walk away from the wall while maintaining this posture. Keep it up throughout your daily activities.
Good sitting posture 正确的坐姿
When seated, keep these tips in mind: 在坐立时,记住以下几点:
Choose a chair that allows you to rest both feet flat on the floor, while keeping your knees level with your hips. If necessary, prop up your feet with a footstool or other support.
Sit with your back firmly against the chair. If necessary, place a small cushion or rolled towel behind the curve of your lower back.
Stretch the top of your head toward the ceiling, and tuck your chin in slightly.
Keep your upper back and neck comfortably straight.
Keep your shoulders relaxed — not elevated, rounded or pulled backward.
Keep your shoulders straight 保持双肩挺直
Whether you're sitting or standing, pay attention to the position of your shoulders. Slouching or rolling your shoulders forward shortens your chest muscles and reduces their flexibility. On the flip side, pulling your shoulders too far back causes your abdomen to stick out too far in front.
Check out your reflection 对镜检查
To see if you're keeping your shoulders straight, stand in front of a mirror or ask someone else to evaluate your shoulder position. Aim to keep your shoulders in the same position as shown in the image on the left.
It all adds up 总结
Although good posture should be natural, you may feel wooden or stiff at first if you've forgotten the sensation of sitting and standing up straight. The key is to practice good posture all the time. You can make improvements at any age. Stretching and core strengthening exercises can help, too.