最雷人的枭踞照片 看过后别忍不住......
日期:2011-09-07 09:23



1. Scuba Owling 潜水枭踞

2. Rooftop Owling 枭踞于屋顶

3. Fair Ride Owling 枭踞于旋转之物上

4. Public Restroom Owling 枭踞于公共厕所的挡板上

5. Staircase Railing Owling 枭踞于楼梯扶手上

6. Roof Peak Owling 枭踞于屋脊

7. Owling at the Office, in Fivefingers 枭踞于格子间

8. Owling in the Kitchen 枭踞于厨房

9. Owling in the House 枭踞于橱柜

10. Owling on a Statue, Downtown 枭踞于闹市区的雕塑上

11. Owling at the Radio Station 枭踞于电台
Well, that should give you some great owning ideas to get you started. Let's see who can owl in the weirdest place ever! As always, stay safe and have fun!

  • kitchenn. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间
  • staircasen. 楼梯
  • statuen. 塑像,雕像