Posefen was a goddess. She was the only daughter of the Greek Goddess of harvest Demeter. Wherever Posefen went, the places would be full of flowers.
One day, when Posefen played with her friends in the valley, she found a silver narcissus flower. She liked it and picked it up. Suddenly, the narcissus became a handsome man with purple eyes. Posefen was scared and took a step back. The man smiled and said, “Goddess, you broke the curse and saved me. Please let me fulfill my promise and marry me.” Before she understood what happened, Posefen was thrown into a rift in the ground.
After hearing her daughter’s cries for help, Demeter threw corn away and saved her daughter. However, without the Goddess of harvest, seeds did not grow and human beings would confront a great disaster. Zeus quickly got the news and knew it was Pluto that took Posefen away. Pluto could not win Zeus but he really loved Posefen. He knew he would be cursed and told Posefen, “My fragrance should belong to the world. Take it away.” Then he closed eyes.
When Posefen returned back to the world, it was spring. She scattered the fragrance around the world and brought sunshine to everyone, but she could not forget Pluto, especially his purple eyes. In summer, she missed him, and in autumn, she missed him. When winter came, she could not help meeting Pluto under the ground. At this moment, Pluto would wake up to see her and then sleep when she left.
Year after year, this pretty girl fell in love with this ghost in the hell. Zeus was moved by their love and gave them a quarter of the time each year to be together. Zeus decided to call one of the constellations Virgo to remember Posefen.