《广告狂人》中的Joan Holloway
Sure Betty Draper knows how to keep up with the latest '60s styles, but it's Joan Holloway and those dangerous curves that make workwear look wow。
Betty Draper总能跟把60年代风尚展露得淋漓尽致,但是Joan Holloway凹凸有致的身材的确能让平淡无奇的工作服变得别有风味。
Add her updo, and that wiggle in her hips and it's clear there's no competition here。
Carrie Bradshaw 《欲望都市》
Carrie Bradshaw, 'Sex and the City' (Sarah Jessica Parker)
Carrie Bradshaw 《欲望都市》
In a show known for its fabulous fashion, Carrie was the style ringleader。
Carrie once revealed how much money she'd spent on fabulous footwear, and women everywhere were instantly jealous。
Mary Richard 《玛丽·泰勒·摩尔秀》
Mary Richards, 'The Mary Tyler Moore Show' (Mary Tyler Moore)
Mary Richard 《玛丽·泰勒·摩尔秀》
The show spawned multiple spinoffs, but Mary's classic, sexy ensembles inspired a fashion revolution。
A modern working girl making her way in the world, Mary had accessorizing down to a science. Case in point: her much-spoofed hat-throwing moment in the opening credits is a timeless symbol of stylish independence。
Denise Huxtable 《考斯比一家》
Denise Huxtable, 'The Cosby Show' (Lisa Bonet)
Denise Huxtable 《考斯比一家》
Denise Huxtable has the unfortunate honor of being a teenager on TV in the '80s. The reason she makes this list: She survived, unscathed, with a signature style that's still copied today。
Denise Huxtable是80年代电视银屏上的一位命运悲惨的少女。而她能入选本榜单的原因就是:她健康、完整的活下来了,而她的银幕形象的时尚元素一直影响到今天。
Oversized button-downs and sweaters, men's hats and pants that defied all logic -- Denise was a trend trailblazer。
Lucy Ricardo 《我爱露西》
Lucy Ricardo, 'I Love Lucy' (Lucille Ball)
Lucy Ricardo 《我爱露西》
I've never met anyone who doesn't love Lucy, much like I've never met a woman who doesn't love her style。
Denise Huxtable 《考斯比一家》
Denise Huxtable, 'The Cosby Show' (Lisa Bonet)
Denise Huxtable 《考斯比一家》
Denise Huxtable has the unfortunate honor of being a teenager on TV in the '80s. The reason she makes this list: She survived, unscathed, with a signature style that's still copied today。
Denise Huxtable是80年代电视银屏上的一位命运悲惨的少女。而她能入选本榜单的原因就是:她健康、完整的活下来了,而她的银幕形象的时尚元素一直影响到今天。
Oversized button-downs and sweaters, men's hats and pants that defied all logic -- Denise was a trend trailblazer。
Blossom Russo, Blossom(1991年美剧)
Blossom Russo, 'Blossom' (Mayim Bialik)
Blossom Russo, Blossom(1991年美剧)
Sure, maybe her oversized blazers, vests and flowered hats haven't stood the test of time, but in the '90s, she was one of a kind, and the inspiration for quirky kids everywhere。
Lisa Simpson 《辛普森一家》
Lisa Simpson, 'The Simpsons' (voice of Yeardley Smith)
Lisa Simpson 《辛普森一家》
Sure she only wears a red dress and matching red Mary Janes, but simplicity is what solidifies Lisa Simpson's place on this list. Well, that and her classic pearl necklace。
很明显,这位只穿了件红裙子配着双红鞋子(Mary Janes鞋的商标名),不过这套行头加上她经典的珍珠项链总能让她在这个榜单立足了吧。
Ally McBeal, 'Ally McBeal' (Calista Flockhart)
Ally McBeal 《甜心俏佳人》
Lawyers were stuffy and boring until Ms. McBeal hit the scene。
Causing quite a bit of controversy with her cute shoes and short skirts, this inventive attorney always spiced things up in the courtroom。