当如今的蛋糕大有“越做越精致”的趋势时,蛋糕雕塑艺术品大师--Karen Portaleo的逼真蛋糕雕塑吸引着全世界的眼球,既能满足胃口需要也能达到视觉盛宴的效果。
Good enough to eat! This intricately designed and coloured cake of a lady shows off Karen's talent
Now that's a bird feeder: The Highland Bakery team can make anything possible with their sponge skills
Slice of the action: This octopus cake needed copper tubing to support the intricate tentacles
Sweet stuff: This dog cake had to be carefully shaded by Karen and her team of decorators. The designer says pet cakes are always popular
Really wild! Karen's creations include the tiniest of detail, from the teeth to the 'hair' in the lion's ears
Scrumptious: Guests have been wowed at the realistic creations
How does she do it? The designer reveals how she creates such elaborate designs as this food fight on her blog
Labour of love: The team spend hours coming up with a concept of the cake, baking the sponges, designing and carving the designs, like this oriental dragon
Hundreds of thousands of portions here: This huge sumo wrestler needed layers of sponge to carve its impressive form
日本相扑海绵蛋糕仿真程度十分惊人! 但要需要很多海绵层来刻画出逼真的形象。