Miss Piggy appeared on the cover of Time Magazine, and Marge Simpson famously posed on the cover of Playboy. Now Smurfette has followed in their footsteps by modelling for Harper's Bazaar.
都说顶级模特的代言费高得让厂商们承受不起,这不,聪明的厂商们想出了一个“新招”---接二连三让卡通人物穿上自己旗下品牌的服饰和配饰为自己做宣传。首先是猪小姐登上了《时代杂志的封面》、其次是全美最受欢迎的卡通长寿剧《辛普森一家》的女主人玛吉·辛普森(Marge Simpson)在《花花公子》杂志上崭露头角,最后就连“蓝精灵妹妹”都登上了《时尚芭莎》封面。
Kate Moss eat your heart out: Smurfette models Marc Jacobs' latest collection in the August's Harper's Bazaar.
The blue-skinned beauty, who is voiced by Katy Perry in the upcoming Smurfs movie, shows the supermodels how its don as she strikes a pose in the season's hottest new accessories. Each photograph sees her model a different designer's autumn/winter look.