1.Fiat 500 Cabrio
Base Price: $19,500
The 500 will be a hot conversational topic wherever it goes this summer, and the Cabrio dials up the fun factor. This is a convertible that won't leave you entirely exposed because the roof rails remain in place when the top is down. The advantage is that the top can be retracted while you are driving, and the action is fast and direct. The Cabrio will look its best on trips to the beach and at early-evening al fresco gatherings.
今年夏天,菲亚特500所到之处都会成为热门话题,它的敞篷版更是乐趣无穷。这款敞篷车并不会使驾驶者的身体完全暴露在外,因为即便顶篷降了下来,车顶梁仍在原位。这种设计的好处是在驾驶过程中无需停车便可收起顶篷,既迅速又直接。驾着菲亚特500 Cabrio去海边兜风或参加傍晚的户外聚会必定拉风之极。
2.Mazda MX-5 Miata
Base Price: $22,960
The Miata breaks the two-seat rule, but I've included it because 1) it was an instant classic when it was introduced in 1989 and remains so today; and 2) its canvas top is a model of utility, designed to be pulled up by the driver while seated with one hand.
The optional retractable hardtop doesn't make the cut. The Miata is a sports car any driver can appreciate -- no prior experience required. It's fun to drive even when you aren't going fast. And shifting through its smooth -as-butter six-speed gear box helps you understand why manual transmissions are still manual.
马自达 MX-5 Miata
Miata是款双座轿跑,它的上榜似乎与我对四座轿跑的偏好相矛盾。我之所以把它列为榜眼,是出于两个原因:1.)1989年, 这款车一经面世就立即成了经典,其经典地位至今不变;2.)Miata的软顶是实用性的典范,驾驶员在坐姿状态下,只需一只手就可以把顶篷拉上。
3. Pre-1980 VW Beetle Cabrio
Base Price: $5,060 (1979 model)
You still see them in southern California, their high windshields deflecting the breeze, their canvas roofs stacked high behind the back seat. The Cabrio had a more elegant stretched look with the top down than the turnip-shaped hardtop because its body was sub-contracted out to Karmann, which derived it from a Beetle limousine. More than 300,000 Cabrios were made between 1949 and 1980. They're still a bargain. A 1974 model with 129,000 miles was for sale recently at $5,100.
4.Ford Mustang Convertible
Base Price: $31,310
Having made its debut in 1964, the Mustang has been around longer than the Miata and came into its prime with the current generation. Riding in it brings back memories of burgers, shakes, drive-in movies, and "American Graffiti."
The nostalgia compensates for the 20th century engineering, notably the solid rear axle. The good news is that a V-8 is superfluous, given the 305 horsepower put out by the standard 3.7 liter V-6. The bad news is that Ford's acclaimed EcoBoost engine that combines performance with fuel economy isn't an option.
福特野马于1964年首次亮相,它的历史比马自达Miata更悠久,野马新一代车型的问世也标志着这个品牌进入了鼎盛时期。开着它,让人不禁回想起以汉堡、摇滚、汽车电影院和电影《美国风情画》(American Graffiti)为标志的美国六七十年代。
5.Chevrolet Camaro Convertible
Base Price: $29,275
One of the newest convertibles on the market, the Camaro finally went into production at the end of January after four years on the auto show circuit. Its exaggerated proportions -- it's very wide and not very tall -- keep it looking fresh and distinctive.
The structural improvements needed to keep the topless body from excessive shaking were engineered in from the beginning, and driveability is unusually good. With a base V-6 engine that produces 312 horsepower, it should face off nicely against the Mustang in stop-light drag races. And kudos to Chevy engineers for standing in the way of progress and sticking with the soft top.