Osama bin Laden (May 5, 2011)
When Time`s special issue on the death of Osama bin Laden hitted newsstands on May 5, 2011, it was the fourth cover in the magazine`s history to feature a red `X` scrawled across the face of an American enemy. This bin Laden `X` was illustrated by Tim O`Brien. A look at the circumstances surrounding the magazine`s first three red-`X`s.
2011年5月5日,《时代》周刊本•拉登之死特别报道版登陆各报刊亭,这是该杂志历史上第四次在封面刊登“美国敌人”的头像,并画上大“红叉”。这期的本•拉登画像由Tim O'Brien绘制。现在我们就来回顾一下《时代》周刊过去三次在封面上画“红叉”的情况。
Adolf Hitler (May 7 1945)
阿道夫•希特勒 (1945年5月7日)
The issue came out after the discovery of Hitler`s body on May 2, but before the German surrender of May 8.
Japan (August 20, 1945)
This was the first cover after nuclear weapons were dropped on Hiroshima (Aug. 5) and Nagasaki (Aug. 9). Because of the red in Japan`s flag, a black cross was used instead. The formal surrender of Japan came on Sept. 2.
Saddam Hussein (April 21, 2003)
萨达姆•侯赛因 (2003年4月21日)
Time waited nearly 60 years for its second red-`X` cover. This cover didn`t coincide with the former Iraqi dictator`s capture of execution of the former Iraqi dictator. The U.S.-led coalition had merely taken control of Baghdad. Hussein was still on the run, and wouldn`t be captured for another seven months. He was executed in 2006.
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (June 13, 2006)
阿布•穆萨卜•扎卡维 (2006年6月13日)
The death of al-Qaeda`s number three in a U.S.-led airstrike coincided with waning American popular support for the war. Zarqawi was called the "mastermind" of the insurgency in Iraq.