We've seen plenty of building-sized televisions -- like the 80,000-square-foot ceiling screen in Beijing, or that record-breaking monstrosity that the Cowboys installed in Dallas -- but those single-dimension LCD's have nothing on this "5D" cube opening on Friday. Constructed from 156 Sharp 60-inch HD displays, the 5D Miracle Tour can only be found at Huis Ten Bosch, a "residential-style resort built after a medieval 17th-century Dutch town" located in Sasebo City, Japan. The unique attraction accommodates 32 guests at a time, and consists of one main front screen, surrounded by additional panels on the top, bottom, left and right. Lasting eight minutes, the tour presents the story of a mermaid named Sirena, though content will occasionally change -- given the transient nature of mermaids, of course. We've only been able to dream of the modern-day curiosities we'd encounter while visiting 17th-century Holland, but we certainly hope this magical place won't elude us the next time we're near Nagasaki.
北京世贸天阶有世界上最长的天幕(250米),而本周五在日本 Huis Ten Bosch 你就能看到了一个更为神奇的巨型天幕,立方体天幕。这个东东由 Sharp 公司制作,使用了156个60英寸的LCD显示器组成,名为5D Cube 。它实际上,也可以当作一个“电影院”,可以容纳32名观众,可以播放各种神奇的大屏幕电影,例如:水族馆,美人鱼啥的。